Sunday, April 26, 2009

an unexpected trip

Saturday rolled around and we all had different directions to go as usual. Glade, Stephen and Rhett all went to scout day camp, Chelsey had a meeting, then work, then prom, and we were supposed to help with an eagle project, but didn't make it. Because we had just gotten Chelsey's dresses the night before, we needed to get them to fit a little better, so my trusty mom grabbed her sewing machine and headed over. Chelsey had just enough time between meeting and work to be sized, shower and gather her things. I realized that today would be my only opportunity to go get Bo's birthday presents for Wednesday without him and Katy being with me. After I got my mom settled, I headed out to get his gifts.

I had gotten a $10 Kohl's card in the mail and wanted to go get another shirt like one I already had but in a different color. I headed there first and ended up being there for an hour or so. It was actually really fun! There were so many pretty colors and styles to choose from. I haven't done a lot of shopping since I very first lost some of my weight. I took armfuls into the dressing room just wondering what would fit and what would look decent. Many things didn't, but some did! Mom and I hadn't gone and done my birthday shopping yet since I didn't really need anything at the time. I called her and asked if she was! I picked out what I wanted and she came and paid for them. They weren't things I would normally choose, but it was fun to branch out a little bit. The best part of the shopping was that I didn't bring home anything that had an "X" on it. Wooohooo!

After I finished and ran to Target for Bo's stuff, mom and I went to lunch. It was a grand lunch that included way too many calories, but the company and the weather were fabulous! I got home just in time to have a quick nap then start getting ready for our games night and ward rodeo. Glade took the kids to the rodeo so I could stay and help Chelsey get ready. I'm sure I missed many photo ops there since they were chasing chickens and pigs and riding horses and bulls. Yes, they rode an actual bull and most of them have the bruises to prove it!

Games night was enjoyable as always. We met for dinner and planned to go goofy golfing, but stayed and chatted too long. It was getting late and I was tired and still needed to get ready for Sunday so we just headed home. I think the rest went bowling. It was a long, but great day.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

No x-rated clothing is a good thing. :) J/K. Awesome!