Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not so Sympathetic

Ok, so my sympathy for their hard teen years just went out the window. Today I got to see the ugly, irrational side of teenage-hood. I'm sure I took it too personally, but sometimes...... I remember being that teenager who knew my parents just didn't get 'it' or me. I got over it, realized my parents were wise and could see a far wider scope than I could at the time. I'm sorry to them for being such a brat and thinking I knew it all. Sucks as a parent to actually know and have them think you don't. Oh the growing pains, both theirs and! I will suck it up and go on knowing I'm right and not have my feelings hurt about the whole thing. Someday, as all parents have said, when you have a kid of your own......


Anonymous said...

I think you are a very wise woman! Some day, your kids will know it, too. Dacia

Unknown said...

Oh, I am so not looking forward to the teenage years. They scare me.