We put in a special request for the Easter Bunny to come a day early so all the fun and gooeyness of it all wouldn't make Sunday a hassle. I'm so grateful he is willing to make a special trip! So today the kids woke up to their baskets. Actually, we have a boy basket and a girl basket. Mostly this works out well. Occasionally some swapping has to take place, but not too bad. Brooklyn is up WAY before the big girls so she gets dibs on things that maybe weren't meant for her and we have to work around that. The big girls are learning to make a trip downstairs before they end up with nada. Nick is out of town with Glade doing a scout triathlon. Who plans something like that on Easter weekend?? So he will have to collect his goodies when he comes back.
Today is our family party as well and it happens to be raining. What are the chances, no...seriously....like 2%?? We'll make it work, but it was a bummer for all the outside stuff they got in their baskets that they can't play with right now. Hopefully it will clear up by this afternoon before the scheduled egg hunt. I guess Katy won't be wearing her cute little Easter sundress I got for her. The high is in the mid 60's. Not really complaining about that one! We didn't even color eggs this year. My poor kids. Maybe next year. Brooklyn wondered why the Easter Bunny didn't hide any eggs this year. I just told her "because we didn't make any!"
This year I decided to make the whole dinner myself. Usually we assign out, but I think it's easier to just make it all. I asked everyone to just pitch in money instead. Kind of weird, I know. At least this way, you know you have enough of everything and it's all here and ready at the same time. I like doing stuff like this so it's all good by me. Gotta get going though, deviled eggs are calling!
This year the girls basket held a lot of the basics: bubbles, chalk and play dough (or cleevo as Katy calls it). The big girls got flip flops and body spray while Katy got jewelry and Brooklyn got a beach towel and earrings. Of course there was the standard candy and crap. Actually, there wasn't a whole lot there this year. There could have been more if the baskets were bigger but some had to be left out!

The boys all got new books, water guns, some paddle balls, a few kites and a bunch of candy as well. Both big boys got new AXE and Bo got some bath bubbles to share with Katy. The Easter bunny brought a book 4 of a series instead of book 3 and they were quick to point out that the Easter Bunny "screwed up". Nice.

Boys finding their treasures

Bo can't wait to use his squirt gun, too bad it's cold and raining!

This was Rhett while everyone else was digging into the baskets. How pathetic. He did a once over and quickly claimed the computer for his turn.
Katy eating her chocolate bunny. You can see by the green on her mouth this isn't her first treat. There were ringpops in there so pretty much everyone around here has blue or green teeth.

Dalin got the Bakugon book he has been wanting! He told me "I called it!"

This is a fun game from the past. There are little sports balls on springs. You suction them down and then in a few seconds they pop up and you try to catch them with the net. You can see on the top part of this picture there is one up high. It was quite a hit before they started breaking. What does one expect for a dollar?

Stephen can't contain his excitement over a squirt gun. Mom hates squirt guns.
Chelsey and Whitley pulled themselves out of bed to see what was in it for them. Her quote when she realized I took her picture "that better not go anywhere!" She claims she isn't awake enough for this. As you can see by the handful of candy, she was awake enough for that!

Whitley "dittos" Chelsey.
What else? What else?
Brooklyn eyeing Whitley's body spray. Woops.

Katy got bubbles! Maybe she can actually do these ones without dumping it all over the ground.

Bo got his Elmo kite! Hopefully the wind kicks back up. It's been rough holding on to these when it's been so windy lately.

Easter Baskets 2009
fun Easter! I like the only two baskets idea.
How fun! Great idea to do it on Saturday. You reminded me also that we haven't colored eggs yet. oops. It's not going to happen tonight! Oh well!
I love the boy/girl idea. And as far as the easter egg not getting colored. Hey- some years are better that others and that's the best we can all do!
It must take a lot of bunnies for your group. For sure it's not one Easter bunny!
Sure looked like fun. You're kids are all so cute!
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