Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh Miley....

Dear Miley,
I was so disappointed to see you come out and openly support gay marriage. Either your young mind is oh-so-naive, or you don't really understand your religion. I have to agree with you 100% that God loves us all. We are all His children and we are all created equally. He does want us all to be happy, you're right about that.

What you don't seem to understand sweet Miley, is that God loves us, not sin. He did not put us here with scriptures and commandments for us to ignore them and live our lives as we please thinking that sin does not matter because He 'loves us'. You have chosen to stay abstinent from sex until marriage. Why? If God loves us no matter what, why would He care if you chose to go ahead and have sex?

We are told to love our neighbors and not judge. However, no where in the scriptures or anywhere else God has given instruction does it tell us that we may pervert the ways of the Lord and it's all good. We are still required to love all those around us, but we do not have to accept the sin. There are always consequences for our actions, good or bad. God destroyed an entire city because of the sin of homosexuality. The scriptures are clear that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has not changed His mind on this matter.

Of all the things the press has criticized you for, I'm shocked that this one wasn't on the front page. I think you have been a great role model and we have thoroughly enjoy watching you entertain us. I must say though, I'm uncomfortable letting my children look to a young woman who professes to be a devout Christian and yet encourages blatant sin. I'm hoping this lapse of judgement comes from your youth and exposure to a world where Christian values have been distorted and thrown by the wayside. Sin is sin and no unclean thing will enter into His Kingdom. I encourage you to pray for real understanding.

With love and concern,


Unknown said...

Couldn't have said it better. Thank you Laurie!

Camille said...


Krista Darrach said...

Are you mailing it to her? That would be cool.
Well said.