I'm not sure if I have mentioned that on Monday, Chelsey was asked to a different Prom than the one I previously posted about. She was very excited, but extremely stressed because this one is today. She only had 5 days notice and she was busy every night this week. She didn't even do anything cute to answer him. She just called and said she was trying to work it out. She was scheduled for an 11 hour shift at work today. She was able to get a kid to work the last part of it, but she has to work right up until "go time". We haven't had any time to look for a dress so Thursday, her friend gave her one to borrow, but she doesn't love it. Last night, we went on a frantic search to find something a little more desirable but came up empty. Most places weren't even carrying them anymore and the one that did, was very expensive. Luckily I have great friends. A friend from my last ward made a few phone calls and hooked me up with another friend from that ward who had several to choose from. Right size and everything! After our date night, we went over and looked at them. Chelsey was at work, so she didn't even get to be a part of any of it. I brought two that were so pretty home for her to choose from. She is still asleep so I don't even know what she thought of them. My great mom reminded me of the boutonniere, which I had to pay a fortune for, since we waited till the last minute. Hopefully we got all the bases covered and she will have a great time.

Let me know if I can help Chelsey in anyway today.
I don't know if I'm ready for this part of being a mom. I still feel closer to the age of the kids that are going to the dance, not the lady in charge of the boutonniere!
I hope Chelsey has fun tonight. We almost went to Joe's last night also. We decided on Texas Roadhouse instead. Glad you guys had a good time.
I'll be sure to take pictures to document the hairdo process. The crazy life a teen. You are so great to help her throw this all together!
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