Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, a day of RECOVERY

Still up bright and early for 8 am church. I had a hard time staying awake. The babies were extra hard in church today. Bo just wanted on me and of course Katy doesn't like to share so it was a struggle the whole time. My allergies went berserk for some reason and I sneezed all through the next two hours. Came home, make a quick lunch, gave some stern warnings and headed for my bed! My bed and I have not spent enough time together this last week. We were having Sunday dinner at ViEtta's today so I had no need to tidy my house or make any preparations so I took a 4 hour nap! Beautiful. My kids were mostly quiet and let me sleep, the warnings must have worked. We got up went to dinner, had fabulous homemade chicken noodle soup and played games till it was time to go.

I thought maybe I should have a shirt made that says something like "I survived this Week!" I still have a lot going on this month, but nothing like what this last week brought me.

PS, thanks to all my good friends and family who put up with my whining, grouchiness, total lack of organization and probably downright flakiness this last week. I love you all!

1 comment:

Jake and Jenny said...

Having a nap on Sunday is the best! Glad to hear the baptism went well and you made it through the week!