Saturday, February 7, 2009

Movie Review

It's a good thing that Sunday is a day of rest, because Saturday is like this:

9 am - Soccer game
10 am - Play practice
11 am - Chelsey to work
10 - 12pm - pick up food for scouts
1 pm - baby shower
2 pm - retrieve from play practice
4 pm - retrieve Chelsey

Some where in there I had to get the baby gift and plan a last minute Sunday dinner at my house. Thank goodness for cell phones!

Last night we went out with some friends and saw "New in Town". FUNNY! Would not put it under chick flick. It's a comedy. It's only rated PG and mostly for some swearing, but can I just say - funny swearing! Where you don't expect it and with descriptions that might make soda come out your nose. It really wasn't foul at all, seriously. I don't even like Rene Z. but it was a fun movie, I recommend it.


Lulu said...

Somehow it doesn't seem fair that you should have to be a part of both ends of the scouting for food... and after day like you just had I am exhausted just reading about it... I think I will go back to bed. Ü

Leslie said...

Get that girl a driver's license! (Don't quote me in two years when my oldest is old enough to drive and I won't let her yet.)

I LOVE the banner. The pictures are great. I think you both have improved with age!