Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Conferences and Softball

Sometimes a busy day makes for a good one. Tuesdays are always busy so no surprise there. I was going to go to the gym, but needed to go to the bank and pick up a few things as well (HSM3) so I opted out of the gym. I'm trying to stick to healthier eating, so I was shopping for food I was unfamiliar with . That makes for a long trip when you are trying to find things not on your normal route. My kids were a handful as usual. Katy is a no win. Either I keep her in the cart and listen to her whine and cry the whole way or I let her out and chase her. Some days I choose one and some days the other! Either way she is not the fun shopping buddy Bo used to be.

We got home just in time for naps except this week is early release so I needed to get my kids at 2. How is that supposed to work for naps?? Thanks to my great carpooling friend, we switched pickups so now my kids can have naps this week. Thank Heaven! Today was my day for Parent/Teacher conferences. I'm always nervous for that. Turned out good though. Rhett had excellent grades as always. His lowest was a 94. Now if only he would be nice to his teacher. She is fabulous and has been better with him than just about any other teacher he has had. He really is doing well for the most part. Brooklyn's grades were a little better, but not as good as she is capable of. Just needs to work on her reading skills. Dalin did really well, but cries a lot in class. He melts down really easily so if she asks him to redo something, it's over. We are working on that. He is also doing better at not talking ALL the time. Stephen and Nick are JH now so they don't have conferences. I got back just in time to head to scouts!

That's a redundant scenario. In the car, out, in the car, out. It all ends with a peaceful night of the Biggest Loser so that's just fine with me. I didn't even cry this week. I was amazed at how well she did at home though, good for her.

Brooklyn is playing softball. This is just plain weird. She played 2 years ago, but not since. I keep getting emails about upcoming tryouts and what not. I assumed that somehow my email got back on the list and have ignored them. Yesterday someone called and asked what size shirt she needed. I told them we didn't register her and they told me that she was. Very strange. I told her we didn't go to tryouts or anything and she told me that she was on a team already. So I said....."medium". Is that wrong??? I have no idea how it happened, but I did tell her we didn't do it. So anyway, now she is playing. She is a Sun Devil.


Leslie said...

I don't think it's wrong. I wish all registrations were random and automatic!

Jake and Jenny said...

I wish someone would call me and have me all signed up for sports, that is half the battle. That is funny that she was still on the list and the team!