Monday, February 23, 2009

How was your weekend?

Someone asked me today "how was your weekend?" I had to think. I don't know. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Saturday I had great hopes for productivity but with half my family missing we pretty much lounged around. Got into a little tift with Whitley about her excessive lounging, but we got it all figured out! I did some running of kids around and then decided I needed to get my nails done. I made an appointment, and I say that loosely. I always call and suggest a time and they say "sure" and hang up. Never ask my name..hmmm. Anyway, I had the BEST pedicure. I have yet to experience a really great one. Usually they dig their thumbs into my calf or rub the same place till it hurts. I get them because it helps my toenails not get sore and ingrown. But today, the girl actually massaged my feet! Really good massaging. I asked her name cuz now I have to make appointments with two specific girls!

Glade had gotten home while I was gone and left for conference before I got back. A group of us went to dinner before the adult session so the girls all went early to save a table. We are very fortunate to have great people around us. Dinner was good and conference was great! I went home to a clean house and sleeping children. Perfect.

Sunday we got to sleep in a little then head out for Stake Conference. We only take kids 12 and older so we can actually get something out of it. I know not everyone approves of our method, but as I sit and watch parents wrestling with kids and hauling in armloads of activities to keep their younger ones quiet for 2 hours, I remember why we do it and reassure myself it's a good thing. Both babies had fevers on Sunday so we canceled Sunday dinner. It worked out pretty well. I was able to get some bread made and we had a nice casual dinner of homemade pizza. Shelli had brought some cookies by so that was a nice treat to end the day with.

Rhett had a great time on his first camp out and came home filthy with a backpack full of railroad nails, eighteen to be exact. Not sure what we are going to do with those!


Heather said...

I would love to know the name of the lady who did your pedicure. Glad you liked it. I missed the call about dinner Sat night and I even had a husband. Oh well, next time.

Tammy said...

I love your idea of only 12 and older to conference. I ended up sitting in the primary room with the 3 youngest kids so that I could listen and they could play with nursery toys. I'm sure they didn't get much out of what was said. I hope your babies are feeling better today.

Leslie said...

Sounds like a good weekend to me. Our Primary kids are singing at the Adult Session Saturday night. Then they've asked us to keep them there for the rest of it. I think that's a really dumb idea. What good is an adult session if I have my little kids there?!

Jake and Jenny said...

Conference was really good. It was just what I needed to put things into perspective and much needed. Glad you had a great pedicure, that can make a difference too!