Thursday, February 12, 2009

Breathing Deeply

Well I'm trying this "one day at a time" , "don't let life get you" crap and I'm struggling just a little. Today I was going to head into town to get scriptures for Dalin. Then a wonderful friend said she was going into town and did I want her to get them for me. I was going to call her to take her up on it when Chelsey's school called. We got her physical, but she didn't bring home the packet and she can't practice until it's filled out and will I please come do it today! Now I have to get out anyway so I might as well go get the scriptures. I took my two sweet children who terrorized me the whole time we were there. It should have been a short trip, but they only had one color in which the Book of Mormon and the Bible matched. Not the color he wanted. Do I wait, do I get the blue ones anyway? He's getting the blue ones. Next, scripture case. They have about 3 to choose from and 2 are totally for girls and the other is ugly and expensive. Now what? He got none. In the meantime, they have pulled many books off the shelves and keep yelling "mommy!" about every exciting thing they see. I don't mind too much about the books because that's easy to put back. They each wanted a book and they were on clearance for $2 so I let them each get one. They carried them around and when we finally were checking out, Katy hands me a different book. This one is $6. Whatever, let's get the heck out of here. Me, being stupid, asks a woman about a picture I would like to order. It takes longer than I had planned and when we were actually leaving, Katy had the first book we had picked out in her hand. I tell her no, to put it back and the fit begins. Luckily it was short, but I ended up carrying her out by the arm with her hanging there. Actually, that only lasted a minute. I sat her down, grabbed the back of her hair and "nicely" walked her out.

A short trip to walmart for Rhett's last birthday present. Katy cried pretty much the whole time because she didn't want in the cart. Then when we left, she cried cuz she didn't want to leave. She was really pushing her luck at this point. I wanted to stop by Costco to exchange something, but at this point..... I asked the kids if they wanted to eat at Costco, thinking this would distract her. They said no, Bo said Taco Bell, Katy cried "NO" to that. I suggested McDonald's cuz there was one right in the wal mart. They both said no. OK, whatever, we will go to Taco Bell. As soon as we got in the car, Bo asks where we are going. Taco Bell, I say. He yells "No, McDonald's!" Someone is really gonna get it! I said some things to myself really loudly that probably weren't very nice. We drove through a McDonald's and everyone was happy after that. Not me, Yuck.

We got to Chelsey's school right about the time Katy was falling asleep. We went in, they called her out of class and I signed a few papers. While we were waiting for her, the athletic director was making small talk and asked me how many kids I have. Here we go. I said 'nine'. His face was priceless. He repeated "nine" and then asked if I actually said "nine". Then he tells me I should probably sit down or something and is there anything I need. People are funny. He then asks how I feed them all. I told him I live at Costco and he asks if I take a trailer with me. Seriously??

We came home, laid down for naps, and I clock watched. The washing machine guy was supposed to be here to fix it, finally, and I couldn't sleep because I didn't want to be asleep when he got here. What a waste. He finally came and guess what...wrong part. They had ordered a newer version of the part I needed. Early next week, that's when I will get it. That means another whole weekend with water dripping all over my floor. Serious dripping, even with a towel in front of it, my wood floor is starting to buckle. Lovely.

Tonight I have to take Rhett to a soccer game, which I'm really ready for it to be over. I haven't worked on the song my kids are supposed to sing in 2 days and I'm pretty sure Valentine's Day is going to suck. How's that for not letting life get you????


Kristine said...

What a day!!! I wish there was something inspiring that I could say, but there isn't. However, I have lived many of those days before and now you know why I NEVER take my kids shopping anymore:)!

Jake and Jenny said...

I am so sorry you had such a rotten day! Shopping with kids can go terribly wrong! That is funny though about the guy's reaction to nine kids and how you feed them.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I wish I could have seen the man's face when you told him 9! Priceless, and dumb, and the same time! I guess you can always be glad you don't have 8 all the same age!! Let Calgon take you away! Dacia

Camille said...

I'm SOOO sorry about your day. I am glad to know that I'm not the only one who has days like that though. And if it makes you feel any better--I ran out of gas today--in the middle of the road--and then the fire department pulled up behind me to help with their lights ablazing. :)

Heather said...

Hey look you survived. Always think positive right?

Next time you sign Rhett up for soccer call me and I will sign Wyatt up with him and we could carpool.

Tammy said...

I am so sorry that you had such a rough day, but I have to tell you that I just love reading your blog. It's alway so "real". Here it is 10:00 at night, which for me these days is late and I should be in bed considering I will be leaving at 6 tomorrow morning for PCH, but am I in bed? No, I could not go to bed without reading Laurie's blog first! It gives me comic relief. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at what you went through, it's just that I have lived through many of those moments with my little ones and the way you word things is just priceless. "I'm pretty sure Valentine's Day is going to suck." You just crack me up! Oh, and forget feeling positive right now. You had a crappy day, feel crappy, you can get over it tomorrow! Hope it's a better one for you!

Kathy said...

Sometimes I feel like that and I only have three. :o) I'm with the guy at the school...I really have no idea how you do it Laurie!

Unknown said...

That which does not kill you makes you stronger. Trust me on this one. I know what I'm talking about.

Leslie said...

Oh man. I hope today is better. At least by Monday morning it will all be over!

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Tammy - don't try to put a positive spin on shopping with two toddlers. There isn't one. I have discovered that there are very few problems in life that aren't eased by a blazing hot soak in a very large bathtub. Send Heather shopping with your two toddlers and then ask her for the positive side of that adventure. (No offense Heather :) ) Emma and Derrick give me days like that too. Usually sweet, until they're not.

Shelli said...

You finally have real kids! This is why I am so HAPPY when you volunteer to let them come play. Bring them over next time!