Sunday, February 8, 2009

Saturday at home, an Honorable Scout, and a Baptism

After the craziness of taxi day, we had a very relaxing night at home. The baby shower was a great hour or so of girl talk and cupcakes. Watching her open all the cute baby clothes was a little hard, but so fun. It was a great break in the middle of the day. I'm kind of a brat about staying home on the weekends. The thought of doing nothing on a Saturday night wasn't that great to me so we invited some friends over for dinner. It was very casual, but a fun time. The kids all played well together which is huge and we got to just sit and chat. We kind of tried for games, but the one we chose didn't work out so well which was OK by me cuz I love just sitting around talking. You find out some great things about people. When the babies started getting cranky (Katy), we decided to call it a night. They gathered their kids and things and we walked them out still chatting. After they left, I went to the kitchen to start cleaning up when Nick says "Why is (their baby) still here?" I said "seriously?" Sure enough, there she was crawling on the floor. We got a great laugh about that. I took her outside just as they were about to pull away. I'm sure they would have noticed within seconds, but still funny. We have totally done that, so it's great when someone else does!

Today was a good day at church. Always hectic getting there, but nice once we are all settled. During church, the man who was giving the talk told a little story about driving his scouts home from a campout. He had heard a not-so-appropriate word from the back and yelled back to see who had said it. After much finger pointing, someone mentions a certain kids name. Another kid chimes in and says "No, he would never say that". The man telling the story got all choked up and mentioned how proud he was of that scout and how he hoped that boy took it as a compliment that another boy would say that about him. Can I just say that I was really proud of that (my) scout as well!

During Sunday school Glade and I went in and taught Dalin's class. He has a fun class and Glade is a really good teacher. He didn't even have a lesson, he just picked a principle and went with it. In Relief Society, she taught about temples. She had three women who recently went to the temple tell their stories and how it was, etc. Made me cry. I really need to go more. I also learned that the girl I visit teach is getting baptized next Saturday. Very exciting. What's even more exciting, is that the Bishop is letting us do Dalin's baptism that same day since his scheduled day is so crazy. What a relief. So it looks like Valentine's Day will be a busy one as well, but delightfully busy!


Camille said...

That cracks me up that they left their baby. Don't you love stories that make you feel like a normal mom?

Jake and Jenny said...

Just hand me my "Mom of the year award"! I was just dying that we did that, but hey, it made for a good laugh. I was thinking how funny it was that Brooklyn was stowing away with us, and then oh yeah, here comes Tessa out the door! I also loved Releif Society!