Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Staples

After a long morning of "inside", I was trying to think of what to do with my little ones "outside". I hate being outside FYI. They are really too little to ride bikes and the dirt road makes it hard to pull them in the wagon. So after about 3 minutes of walking around the yard, I broke into the 72 hr "fun kit". The next hour went by really fast. A few bouncy balls, bubbles and some little containers of play dough and we were set. The staples of every toddlers toy collection. I even decided to break out the ladder and take down our Christmas lights, pathetic, I know. I got what I could reach and the rest are for Glade. The boys worked really hard on the lawn on Saturday and it looks so good. Our residence was not at it's most glorious these past few weeks. Now it's back to cute and manicured and fun to drive up to (except the remaining lights).

Yesterday was Chelsey's first day at her NEW JOB. Yes, she no longer works for McDonald's. She absolutely hated it and only got about 3 hrs a week. Now she is a sandwich artist at Subway. So far, first day, she loves it. She is also getting like 15 hours a week. It's a little far so I'm pushing her to get her license, but she needs to be able to afford insurance. Kind of a catch 22. Anyone want to tell me exactly what is a "catch 22" not in the metaphor sense?

I also had to run around yesterday getting kids everywhere which has totally screwed up our family nights. While Rhett was at soccer practice I went and did some ad matching at Wal Mart. That's always fun. After I got him home I had to go pick up Chelsey from work. I was starting to feel a little anxiety and honestly, just a little PMS-y. Her lucky day, we stopped for a super chocolaty ice cream, brownie and hot fudge mixture....just what I needed! Not so good for my diet but tomorrow's another day.

Because of all my running around, I totally missed the Bachelor and for some reason I didn't set my DVR for it. This morning I watched it online, I don't love that. But anyway, I loved Stephanie. I knew there was NO connection there, but I thought she was kind and classy and just genuinely nice. I was so impressed with her departure and that she hadn't fooled herself into thinking "she was the one". I hope some great guy scoops her up. I still don't know who I want him to pick. I like all of them but Naomi, she needs to go. Just can't quite call it yet. Yahoo for the Biggest Loser tonight. I'm due for a good cry!


Unknown said...

"Catch-22 is a term coined by Joseph Heller in his novel Catch-22, describing a false dilemma in a rule, regulation, procedure or situation, where no real choice exists. In probability theory, it refers to a situation in which multiple probabilistic events exist, and the desirable outcome results from the confluence of these events, but there is zero probability of this happening, as they are mutually exclusive."


Unknown said...

I'm such a nerd!

Heather said...

I had a comment but after ready Barz comment I am kinda perplexed and can't think straight.

I feel the same as you as on the Bachelor. Good for Chels for getting a job at Subway I like them better anyways. I want you formula for your 72 hour kits, Glade says you are the master of making them.

Jake and Jenny said...

An ice cream treat can do wonders for the soul! I always tape the Bachelor so I can watch it later when my kids are down, so if you miss it just let me know.