Friday, February 27, 2009

I met Blaine Cotter!!

Tonight we went to dinner with some friends and then needed to waste some time before we picked Chelsey up from work. Glade needed some new goggles for in the morning so we went to Sports Authority. I was looking at some shirts and Glade yelled to me to come here. I thought it was kind of weird that he would yell like that. I looked over and just saw a head and heard a voice say "what was your name?" to Glade. I thought "who is he wanting me to meet that doesn't even know his name?" As I heard his voice, I totally knew - Blaine Cotter from the Biggest Loser! He was so nice. We stood and talked with him for almost an hour. We grilled him about how the show really worked and how he was doing and what the people were really like. He was great about it and never once did I feel like he was trying to get away or end the conversation. Glade even asked him to do a fireside for our ward and he said he would. He has already done a few and used to teach seminary in CA. Glade invited him to ride and train with him and a few other guys. He acted like he totally would. He told Glade how to contact him so we will see what actually happens. It was really fun and a great way to end the night. I considered listing all the interesting things he told us, but that would make for a really long post. He did say though, that the Tongans and the yellow team are both LDS. The yellow girls are not active though. What a neat experience to hear things straight from the horse's mouth. He is really tall, six eight! Neat neat guy.


Krista Darrach said...

THAT IS SO COOL! How crazy that you ran into him. I knew he was mormon, and the tongans...didn't know about yellow though.
I love that show...
I wonder what else he told you. I would love hear it..
He looks great...
I suppose his baby is big now..
That is so cool.

Lulu said...

How cool is that?! I will grill you tonight on the details...

SherriH said...

Pretty impressive. He is VERY tall because he make you look short. I don't know that I would even be chest level with him. How exciting for you. I hope things pan out the way he talked like they would. What a neat run-in.

Leslie said...

That's so cool. I would LOVE to attend a fireside...keep us all posted, k?