Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Brain is Like a Freight Train

Right now I have so many things I want to get accomplished and most of them take time and business hours. That's really hard to sit on. I did get all the Valentine's day crap, I mean stuff, gotten today so that post-it is removed from my brain. That's always a relief. What's really got me going is that I finally got approval to start a humanitarian "group". I have been asking and asking and everyone just says "we don't know". I decided to start something not church sponsored, but as friends and neighbors. Ironically, tonight, a member of the RS presidency asked me if I had been interested in starting a quilting group. Ugh! So I explained what I wanted to do and she gave me her full support and said I could make announcements and such on Sundays. WooHoo! Now my mind is swirling with all the possibilities. So many directions and I need to do what works best for the time of year and the current needs and the abilities of the women around me. It's very exciting!

Today I finally got my hiney to the gym for some running. Another 10K on Saturday and I'm really not very prepared. It's supposed to rain so I guess I could hope for a delay or postponement. Also, Dalin's baptism is on Saturday so I still need to make arrangements for that. So back to swirling, I need to take this one event at a time. So I will list, then print so I can look and focus on a few at a time.

W - get Chelsey's physical, Activity Days
Th- get to the Temple, Rhett's birthday
F - Dr. apt, Nick's birthday party, Half day
S - Run, soccer game, baptism, game's night
Su - Eight is great
M - Family pictures, no school
Next week -
VTing, Rhett's party, Stake conference, Morp date, Orchestra concert, boys campouts
Following -
Blue and Gold Banquet, Bunko at my house, then it's almost my Birthday!

I heard a song today that was a true A-Ha! moment for me. It's called Sounds Like Life. A guy is complaining about all the things stressing him out and his friend says, sound like life. Really, we all have our woes, some far more serious than others, but out attitude about them changes everything. Having a leaky washing machine shouldn't make me grouchy, ruin my day or make me impatient. Having a child not do well at school or make poor choices should concern me, but not take all my attention and zap my energy. It's just life. Deal with it, move on, and enjoy what you have that's good. How sad to miss all the little, positive things from dwelling on the things that aren't quite right. Do what you can to solve them, then let it go! Probably easier said than done, but definitely do-able. Just because I have a lot on my plate right now shouldn't stress me out, just accomplish one at a time and enjoy them while their happening. I can do that.

Just a thought - I was really saddened by the Chris Brown story. Chelsey and I were just talking about how we felt like he was pretty wholesome and maybe taking a stand and not needing to be that foul, young, black musician that we see so much of. I really enjoyed his music, that of which I have heard. My heart hurt when I heard what he had done and wondered how a 19 yr old kid can already have that abusive nature. Where does that come from? Is that curable? All his talent and charm just wasted. I don't know, it's just really bothered me. I feel like we teach our boys about respect and all that, but maybe we need to talk about it more. What does Chris's mom think right now? Just sad.


Heather said...

when I see your schedule I wonder how you can even concider making time for heading up a humanitarian group. You are awesome.

I felt the same about Chris Brown. I keep thinking the story will come out that they had it all wrong. Wishful thinking.

Do you need any help with the baptism? Call me.

Leslie said...

You do have a lot on your plate, but you also have a great attitude. Good luck with everything, and WOOHOO!! on the humanitarian group.

Jake and Jenny said...

That is a busy schedule! You are awesome and a great example!