Wednesday, February 11, 2009

just a day

Because I had New Beginnings last night, I didn't get to watch the Biggest Loser till later. How many times can one cry during a single episode? Didn't sleep well and Katy came in about 5 am so I was awake after that. I love this time though. One of my favorite things is to cuddle for that hour with my little ones. Bo doesn't come in any more, but I get him at nap time!

Had a nice productive morning with a trip to Costco and lunch with my babies. I was so tired by the time we got home I was ready for a nap, but they weren't. When it was finally a respectable time for them to go down, my phone started ringing. I hate that. It always happens right as I'm about to fall asleep then I'm just awake. I know, poor me.

After school I had to take Whitley to play practice and Chelsey to get a physical. We are at the "if you don't have one, you can't practice" point. I took her to the urgent care close to us and what do you know, swamped. Thankfully they let us register quickly and leave to go run some errands. I really wanted to leave Chelsey there and go the the gym which was right next door. I figured it would be better to go find something to give Rhett for his birthday which is TOMORROW. The only bad thing about this one day at a time thing I have going is that I forgot to look ahead so I could be prepared for that. Woops. Having Dalin's baptism and Nick's birthday party doesn't make it seem like Rhett's birthday. I couldn't find a single thing he asked for so I broke down and called him to see if a certain thing would do. Exciting, huh? He doesn't really care as long as he gets what he likes. It will be a very uneventful birthday for him since he has school, then a soccer game. We will have his party next weekend.

Chelsey and I got back just as they were calling her name..nice! Got home and the kitchen was cleaned up and the babies were all jammie'd. I just finished tucking in one of the cutest 2 year olds ever and now I'm ready to hit the sack. Katy always insists on saying her prayers, even at nap time. But she always asks by saying "". Then she folds her arms and repeats whatever I say. You can tell our family is a little preoccupied with "being safe"

Tomorrow needs to be a bread day. We have been living off store bought bread, can you believe that?? I have been out of yeast. I also need to get Dalin his new scriptures before Saturday, but it's clear in town! Anyone laughing at me about that?

Because I'm nice - Albertson's has Skippy PB, the little jars, for 88 cents and walmart will ad match it. PB hasn't been on sale like that for a really long time! Did you know there is no "cents" symbol on the keyboard???

1 comment:

Heather said...

I took your nap for you. It was fabulous.