Monday, February 16, 2009

Chuck E. for President!

Well, we certainly didn't celebrate our current president today. Actually we didn't celebrate any presidents today. How do you observe this day correctly? I have no idea. I guess we could have put our flag out. Maybe that would have been nice. Instead.....

I slept in till 9 am, caught up on my weekend blogging and put my kids to work. Of course there was a reward attached. I simply told them we would do something fun if everything got cleaned up. They were a little slow about it, but eventually we got the whole house mostly cleaned (not the deep stuff). After a lengthy conversation of what constitutes "fun", we decided on Chuck E. Cheese. The twist, we were going to spend THEIR money. I figure it this way. I pay for everything. They have envelopes of money just sitting in a money box. What are they going to use it for? So they all pitched in $5 and we headed out. I bought lunch, but they paid for all the tokens. By the way, we NEVER eat there. Pricey, not to mention, yucky. So we stopped by Taco Bell first. They played for about an hour, cashed in our tickets and headed back. Not a bad price to pay for getting my house cleaned.

I even laid down for an hour, then started dinner. Chelsey had to be at work by 5 and according to Glade, we were supposed to clean the church at 5. I thought that was wrong when he said it, but I didn't say anything. I should have. It's our week NEXT Monday. There were already several families there and most the work was done. I guess we will try again next week. I let Rhett skip soccer practice since he won't be there for the next game and I think we are actually going to try to squeeze in FHE. I think I'm ready to tackle the week!


Jake and Jenny said...

I totally agree with the food at Chuck E Cheeses! That is a great idea to eat first and go for the games.

Lulu said...

Jason won't even let me mention the idea of Chuck E cheese... but I would take my kids of my house got cleaned too!