Saturday, February 21, 2009

Life with Girls

I love having girls. I get them. I understand why they cry and their love for ridiculously cute and sparkly things. Brooklyn has been the "honorary boy" since she is smack in the middle of all 5 boys. She is far from dainty and soft. Although she is a bit rough and sometimes quite dirty, there is definitely a true girl down in there. She has always loved playing dolls and barbies. I went into our storage closet to get a blanket and this is what I found.

This used to be a closet with stacked boxes all over. She rearranged it to make her self a little "barbie land". I think I can count 9 different dolls in their perspective areas. I'm not sure what is going on with Troy and Gabriella back Have to check on that one. I was going to make her come put everything back, but then I thought - why? It's in a place I rarely go and I'm not tripping on any of it. Even better.

Katy has always been our princess. We have called her that since she was born. I know this is common among MANY baby girls. If we ask her where the princess is, she points to her belly. She knows. Lately she says "princess" (with a terrible lisp) and then spins around and around. I thought that was curious, but whatever. When she wakes up from her nap, she wants to watch TV. Lately I have been digging into the old videos for her. I popped in Cinderella and left her to her waking up time. When I came back through and looked at the TV, I noticed Cinderella all beautiful and spinning in her dress. Ahhh, now I get it. Where I'm going with this is that we can really make our kids into whatever we want, to a degree. We told her she was a princess, she saw one spinning and now that's what she does. The trick is, keeping her my little princess!

Actually, while I was writing this post, I noticed a very quiet little girl in my bathroom. I asked her what she was doing and she said "soap". On checking on her, I found her head full of gel and brushed straight up. She calls this "hawk". Notice the jammies and shoes. I would say most days she puts her shoes on very first thing. She will come climb in bed with me donning her shoes. Any photo op turns into a photo shoot. One is never enough!


Tammy said...

What a cute post. It makes me excited for my girl! Although I might be asking for lots of advice once she's here. Although I was one, I feel that I know very little about little girls!

Heather said...

I am impressed after 9 kids you are still taking pictures. Most moms don't get as many of the last kid as they do the first. Good job.