Friday, February 20, 2009


This is just a small note on how great it is to love. As I was taking Brooklyn and Rhett to the orchestra concert, they were telling me about something that happened at school today. The story really wasn't what I'm blogging about, but it's what stuck out to me. It seems that every day when Rhett and Brooklyn cross paths in the lunch room, they give each other a hug. How great is that? One day Rhett accidentally spilled his lunch on her while trying to hug her. They were saying how today they had the same meal so he was extra careful to not do it again. They hug at school!! In front of their friends!!

We have been struggling with Rhett and orchestra. He has begged to quit, intentionally forgotten his instrument day after day, treated it horribly on the school grounds, etc. I finally made an agreement with him that if he would be cheerful and faithful in taking his instrument, he could quit after this concert. He has been outstanding. In the car he says "I think I'm going to stay in orchestra." Of course I'm thrilled. I mistakenly as "why" and he says "because the girl I like will be in it next year!" Sigh. See what love can do? I told him that was not a good reason and that if he chose to stay, we weren't going to have the drama we have been having all year. I told him he could think about it over the weekend. We'll see what happens.

Lastly, I LOVE the fun comments and insights that are shared here in "blogworld". Just small thoughts or comments can make my day. I love knowing that we are all so much the same. I love hearing your solutions to some of my problems. It seems like most everything has it's negative points, but I can't think of any in the great network of friends here at blogger. For that I say...Thanks!


Tammy said...

I loved your post! That is so cool that your kids will hug each other at school. I too love being part of this blogworld...finally.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how open you are about your family, and day to day living in general. You're blog is always a bright spot in my day. Keep it up! Dacia

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog!! That's so funny that Rhett wants to stay in orchestra now after all that drama. :) And about the new recipe the other night - lol a new pasta shape really threw them all for a loop!! I love buying fun pasta. The stuff at Costco is especially good!

Leslie said...

I love love. Just kidding. I love blogland, too. It really makes me feel closer to people I already like a lot!

Jake and Jenny said...

Rhett and Brooklyn are so good at hugs with others too. I have received numerous hugs from each of them when they see me. It is a bright spot in my day to read your blog and to also get comments from you. Thanks!

Krista Darrach said...

Kids are precious...
They teach us soooo much!
Thanks for sharing!