Monday, February 16, 2009

The Race, The Baptism, and The Date

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! This is what I woke up to this morning. Glade's got it down. My balloon even sings "How Sweet it is to be Loved by You". Not pictured is the chocolate, I have no idea what happened to it!!

We were up bright and early to head off to the race. It was so cold. I even wore running pants instead of shorts. Stephen didn't end up coming because of the camp out and no one ran in his place so he was just out his money. This race was for a set of conjoined twins in our area. It was called Two Sisters, One Heart. Once we started running, it seemed like it warmed right up! I was sweating and wishing I was in shorts and a T-shirt. I was very not prepared for this race and was more nervous than I think any of the rest. I started in the back this time so I wouldn't get frustrated with so many people passing me. I think we figured that the course was not quite 6 .2 miles, but more like 5.9. Hence the reason my time was about 4 minutes faster than my last one! Most everyone with us had the same increase in results. In trying to figure it out, I think I may have beaten my last time by less than a minute. That doesn't even really make sense to me because of how unprepared I was, but I'm attributing it to nice flat surfaces to run on instead of bumpy dirt roads. Either way, it's always fun to finish. We didn't stay too long due to our very full schedule.

When we got home, mom took Rhett for his birthday lunch and we started showering everyone and getting Sunday clothes around. There was a baptism right before Dalin's that I wanted to make it to, but I was about half an hour late. More family came than I thought was going to show up so that was nice. It was a little chaotic, but I have learned to be OK with that. At this age, baptisms are more of a happy occasion than a serious, spiritual one. Rhett, Brooklyn and Bo sang "I Lived in Heaven" as the special musical number. Katy decided she wanted in on it so she went up there and tried to sing any words she could understand. It was really distracting, but kinda cute.

Dalin's family

Dalin with our Bishopric and Primary President

It was so nice that Dalin's Primary Teachers showed up, thanks Bro. and Sis. Milspaugh.

and of course, Dalin with mom and dad. I'm not sure why this picture looks so catty wampus. Maybe even stretched a little, weird.

After the baptism, we rushed the kids home, grabbed the desserts I had Whitley throw together and headed for our Games Night , Valentine's dinner. It was a really nice night with great friends and lots of laughter. We got home way too late, but it was a nice ending to a busy day.


Krista Darrach said...

Whew! What a day! Crazy!
Dalin was your "baby" when I joined the church. He was tiny. Where did the time go?
You guys look awesome!
You impress me - I don't know how you do it!

Heather said...

Katy singing was so cute, she was the echo. I love that you took good pictures for Dalin's baptism. I didn't figure the whole take picture thing until my last child. OH well. It was a nice day and I was so glad I was there to see him be baptized. The best part of my calling for sure.