Tuesday, September 16, 2008

17% Waste

That's the results of our "go green" thingy that we did. They put in a solar water heater and then they seal your ducts. They have been here now for 7 hours!!! There were a few complications including the stupid design of our air handlers. Anyway, they determined that through leaks in our ducts, we were losing 17% of our air to the attic. They blow a glue-like sealant through your ducts until the reading is 0%. The goal is to have your home cool down quicker resulting in less work for your unit. In the end, they guarantee a 40% drop in your A/C bill. Only time will tell! I'm impressed with how quickly it all got done considering we just signed the papers last night at 10 pm. Less than 24 hours and it's all completed. The guy who installed our water heater was from our last ward, that was kind of fun.

The Biggest Loser - It feels weird to sit on the couch and watch other people exercise. I just kept feeling like I should get moving! Normally I would go to the gym in the afternoon today, but I couldn't because these guys were here all day. The goal this season - Always weigh less than the thinnest person on the show. I'm starting out with a head start, but dang they lose a lot of weight quickly!


Unknown said...

What is the company? I'd like to see if they have a presence in Colorado.

Heather said...

Let me know if the green thing works for you. I need to drive by and see the sign on your lawn.

So darn it I forgot to tivo the biggest loser. I was halfway up Power Rd to go to Michaels last night and that is when I remembered that I forgot to set the stupid tivo thingy. I am going to go set it now for next week.

Camille said...

I am totally interested in this "go green" thing.

Lulu said...

let me know if your bill really goes down by anywhere near 40% and I am in!

Leslie said...

Sounds like a good deal to me. I'd love the info.