Meet sweet Katy. This is the charming little girl who's dimples can melt your heart. She is the one who runs with full force yelling your name and clinging to your legs every time you walk in the door. (Even if you just took the trash out) This is the little girl who sings cute songs and copies everything you do. She's adorable.
Meet sour Katy. This is the little girl who has discovered her own opinion and wants things no other way. The strong willed child who can no longer be distracted by something else. She wants what she wants and that's that! I have no idea where she got these traits from!?!? She is the little girl who will plop herself down and refuse to move until it's forcefully done for her. The same little girl who screams for 10 minutes EVERY time you put her to bed.
Sweet Katy. Wants Bo to have everything she has. (unless he expresses a desire first, then it's MINE!) Who will sit and play quietly by herself, who loves to put makeup on and do her hair. (see below) The charming girl who just wants her Mommy when she's sad. Not so cute to dad, but I like it. The precious child who will wave to and hug anyone and everyone. A girl who loves all things sparkly and "pretty". Don't know where she gets that either!
Sour Katy. The ornery child who only knows the word "self!" and refuses help from anyone on tasks that are impossible for her to accomplish. The girl who throws herself down like this when forced to drink milk. (Always gets up and gulps her milk down when she decides to) Crazy girl who actually cares what clothes she wears and starts wrestle mania when the outfit is not to her liking. My only child who I might just put in the "terrible 2's" category.

However, even when she's sour, she's still pretty sweet! (Maybe that's the problem.)
However, even when she's sour, she's still pretty sweet! (Maybe that's the problem.)
I think she is sweet.
I have yet to meet the sour Katy! I love her dimples.
Seriously? you had 9 kids and this is the only time you have had a terrible 2's? No wonder you kept having them.
I agree with the last comment! I loved reading about your sweet Katy!
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