Sunday, March 8, 2009

Where did the Weekend go?

Some day I'm going to have a nice relaxed weekend. I have no idea when, but it will happen. Now, I do not detail out my days to gain sympathy or praise, but to document exactly what it was like to raise 9 children. When my kids are in the midst of their families and accuse me of not knowing what its like or do not remember the craziness of their own childhood, I want to be able to remind them exactly what it was I did as a mother. So here goes:

Friday: Friday must have been uneventful cuz I can't think of much to say. Whitley was babysitting for a friend and Chelsey had to work so my big boys were in charge. That always makes me nervous. I sent Bo and Katy with Whitley to her babysitting job. After dropping Chelsey off at work, I went to the bookstore and then found my purse, see previous post! Glade and I met for dinner, picked up Chelsey and went home.

Saturday: This was the day. Had to be at Mom's by 8 to take her to her follow up appt. in Phoenix. I brought Katy with me since it was going to be crazy here. She got a little restless waiting since Mom didn't get seen till an hour after her scheduled time. It all worked out and we were home by 11:30. Meanwhile, back at the house - Glade had to get Chelsey to work by 9 and then went to Home Depot to get stuff for our garden. Whitley called about 9:30 saying she didn't have a ride to her play practice at 10. Earlier in the week, I had told her to find a way there because there wouldn't be anyone here to take her. She forgot. Oh the tears. I felt bad, but at the same time, she is a big girl and had plenty of time to make arrangements. Her leaders of the play called me to find out why she was missing so I told them what had happened. They thought it rather harsh of me to expect my 14 yr old to arrange her own transportation. Are you kidding me? Glade took her when he got home so it all worked out fine.

Dalin was working on a play date with a friend and that was a disaster. He told me the mom was coming any minute to pick him up. An hour later I noticed he was still here. They called and told her I would bring him over since I needed to go pick up Whitley anyway. When I dropped him off, I found out that there was never arrangements for her to come get him. I also got a call while talking to her to tell me I didn't have to get Whitley. Had I not been running late, I'd have all ready been there to get her. By the time I got home, I thought I had about an hour before Rhett's soccer banquet. Decided to check my email and realized it started in 20 minutes. He and I went racing out to go get his trophy at the banquet. We were there about an hour. I picked Dalin up on the way home and sent him up for a shower before we had to leave to take him to a party. On the way to taking him to the party, Glade called and said Chelsey was off work and needed to get picked up. We didn't think she was off for another hour. I went to get her and by the time I dropped her at home, it was time to go pick up Dalin. I went to get him, brought him home, and now it was time to leave for Glade's mom's birthday dinner in town. Basically, the entire day in the car. Fun Fun. I'm not sure what everyone else did the rest of the day.

That's not true. Glade spent the whole day working in the garden putting in the watering system and planting. He was a little frustrated that I wasn't helping, but what are you going to do? He doesn't really like help anyway. Brooklyn took care of Katy and Bo the whole day. It's great that she has such an imagination because they were building forts and having picnics for hours. I left shouting last minute orders for Whitley to accomplish while we were gone. We all met for Chinese and had a great time talking together. I love Glade's family. When we finally got home, Whitley had done all that I asked and more. They house looked great, Sunday clothes were down and kids were showered. Much different than last week! Although it was busy and yet terribly unproductive, I'm a little anxious for a Saturday to just hang out and not go anywhere. No driving!! Until then.....

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Wow, what a busy weekend! Someday your Saturday will come, someday... Oh, and by the way, I love your purse!