Day 1
We headed to Lake Havasu late Thursday afternoon with Jake and Jenny. It took a little longer than we had thought, but it wasn't too bad. We stopped for dinner once we got there then tried to do a little sight seeing. Not much to see at night. We drove over the London Bridge, but that wasn't too exciting. I guess all the good stuff is under the bridge in the day. We decided to turn in and head to our hotel. We stayed at a different place than they did because I procrastinated and didn't get it done in time. We walked into our room and knew we couldn't stay there. The walls were booming due to the music up stairs. We were able to get a different room that was much better. We didn't realize Lake Havasu was a hot spot for Spring Breakers. Craziness. We were able to sleep pretty well other than the 3 am disturbance of some drunks returning to their room.
Day 2
We slept in! Wow, it's been a long time. Glade and I went to Denny's to eat breakfast and wait for Jake and Jenny. We all headed to the bridge to see what there was to see. Not a whole lot, some little shops and a boat ride. We did learn the history of the bridge and that was interesting I guess. As we were on our boat ride, we noticed that we were the only ones who were under the age of 65. The only other groups of people that were there were the college students. We chose the old folks. The boat ride was nice, except for the group of students out on a boat who encouraged one of their own to flash us. We made sure not to look, but the old people sure got a kick out of it! After lunch we went to have a little down time, then to the packet pick up for the triathlon. The boys got everything they needed, then we went to drive the bike course. HOLY CRAP! The hills were big! And lots of them. I think Glade and Jake both hit 43 mph on their bikes coming down the hill during the race. Too scary for me!
We went to see a movie when it got too dark to do much else. We saw Knowing. It was NOT what I had expected. It was creepy in a not threatening way. I don't see scary movies so I was a little rattled that this turned out to be one. But not really, it's hard to describe. I would have to agree with Heather that I didn't love it, but I didn't not like it either. It had a very interesting take on life and is just not at all how they advertise it. I'm glad I didn't just take my kids. We thought it was going to be a little more National Treasure-ish....not. I certainly wouldn't discourage anyone from seeing it, just know it's a little creepy. After the movie we met up with Jake's brother and his friend and their wives for dinner. We turned in early again to get rested for the big day!
Day 3 - the Race
The boys were up and gone by 6:30. Jenny and I slept in till more like 8:30, met for breakfast then headed for the race. We got there just in time to see Jake and Glade come in from the bike and head off on the run, which was the last leg. While we were waiting, Jenny pointed out a girl with a biggest loser shirt on. I recognized her as Blaine's wife. I followed her and noticed Blaine was making the transition from bike to run as well. I took pictures over her shoulder, is that stalking? After he was off, I introduced myself to her and told her where we had met Blaine. She remembered and then said that she knew me from somewhere. I was thinking to myself "maybe because I posted my picture with your husband on the Internet?" She was certain she knew me so we started with the where do you live stuff. It turns out they were in my last ward with us!! She even knew where I lived in that ward because she had dropped stuff off for me. Weird! The more I talked to her, the more familiar she seemed. I can't recall Blaine at all though. Such a small world. We stood and talked with her and Blaine's mom for a little while. Not much later and Dane came along. I took a few of him as well. In my own defense, I confessed later to Jenni (Blaine's wife) that I had taken them. She said it was OK.
It was a neat surprise to see Glade's parents and sister show up for the race. They were headed to Utah and stopped by on their way. How fun for Glade to have his family there to cheer him on. Neither Glade nor Jake finished as fast as they had wanted, but they hadn't planned on the tough ride or the sandy run. It's possible that Glade may have placed in his division, but they haven't posted the results yet. This was the first Olympic size race either had ever done. Nice!! After the race, we went to lunch and headed home. It was a nice ride and we arrived home about 7:30. The kids were all very happy to see us and all talked at the same time for a very long time. I tried to catch it all, but honestly, I just wanted to go to bed! In the short time we were at the race, I got totally sunburned. It looks really goofy. We had a great time and would probably do it again.

Glade finishing the ride
That is so cool! Looks like everyone had a great time :)
what a fun time. So does Glade smile the whole time he is racing. He is always smiling. What a great accomplishment for Glade and Jake.
Sounds like fun! Cool that you got to talk to Blaine's family. Your description of "Knowing" was just what I was trying to say about it.
Looks like a lot of fun. Congratulations to Glade and Jake for doing so well.
I am glad we went and got to see our "racing buddies" in action! It was so fun hanging out this weekend. Spring Break craziness and all!
Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you and Glade! We almost went, but too many factors prevented us. Tell Glade congrats for us though! That was AWESOME!
Tell Glade congrats! It seemed like a great race. I didn't know that they had one in Lake Havasu. But, 40+ mph on the bike, definitely SCARY!
How many people said that looks like fun?? Not to me- but what an accomplishment!! Congrats guys!
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