Last night was our annual Pinewood Derby and my first as CubMaster. I was a little anxious about it just because I didn't really know what my role would be and what all the little things were that I was counted on for. Basically I was flying by the seat of my pants. Whatever that means. This was also Dalin's first race. The track guy showed up an hour late to set up the track so that was a little stressful. We also found out slightly last minute that the computer program used last year was not his, but the previous Cub Master. Glade was at home finishing up Dalin's car while I was at the church getting things done there. He was REALLY late because he had to figure out what kind of scoring system we were going to use and make a bracket. I was so grateful he took that all upon himself. I would have been so lost. The boys behaved beautifully so it made for a very enjoyable night with very little chaos. Everyone brought treats to share so that made it easy as well. Dalin's car did pretty well. He got 8th out of 18. The top three winners all received corresponding ribbons and a $5 gift card to Cold Stone Creamery. We also handed out two "good sport" awards attached to candy and all other boys received a ribbon that said "wow" on it. They were all very good sports and we were so impressed at how they handled their losses, especially little Zack Colby who's car rarely even made it to the finish line. He went home with the traditional Turtle Cake. All in all a successful night!

I absolutly take credit on your last minute issues. I should have been way more involved and helpful! You guys did an amazing job.
Looks like a suceess! Yeah for Pine Wood Derby!
Your awards sound perfect. ;) I'm glad it went well, even with all the last minute stuff. I like to think we're getting more patient with age.
Fab job by all leaders. NO chaos which is my favorite. I haven't gone through my pictures yet but I am hoping I have a few good ones.
Glad the pine wood derby went well!! I thought the program we used last year to track the race was the track guys's program. If not I'm sure Chris got it off the internet.
Looks like a lot of fun. Willim is looking forward to next year's derby. Only 1 week until he is an official cub scout.
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