Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight, Binky bye bye, and Nutrigrain

We'll start with some baby stuff. Today we snip snipped the binky. Normally we do this about 18 months, she is 21 months right now. I get weaker with each child. She LOVES her binky. She gets this little devil laugh every time she sees it and is so happy. If she is upset, she runs straight to her bed and stretches her little hand between the bars to be able to get it. Since we got the bunk beds, I figured it was time. I can't really take her out of her crib till she is done with the binky. I need her to be in a place she is stuck. So this morning I cut them. I'm sure one will turn up somewhere, but for now, they are all "broken". We have practiced a little so she has seen a few broken ones laying around. Today no new one showed up. She cried in her bed for about 10 minutes before she finally went to sleep. I thought that went really well! She even stayed asleep for 2 hours. Maybe this won't be so bad. We'll see tonight!

This morning Bo said he wanted a Nutrigrain bar. I went to the pantry and gave him a blueberry one. We always have strawberry and apple as well. Today we were out of apple. When I handed him the blue one, he says "no, that's a nutri blue bar, I want a nutri green bar."
Love it.


I have to say I was a little disappointed. Not for any reason beyond anyone's control. When you already know how the story goes, there isn't a lot of suspense or anxiety involved. That takes a lot from the movie. I already knew I didn't love Bella or the girl who plays her so that was no big shocker. I wish Edward could have grown on me, but not really. I think he did a great job playing the part though. I would have to put myself on Team Jacob. It was fine, but I didn't leave dying to read the book again. I'm sure I would go see any future movies, but would suffer the same type of disappointment. My conclusion is: Don't go see a movie where you already know the entire story. It was OK.


Jake and Jenny said...

My cousin did the binky fairy where she had her put all the binkys in a jar to give to all the babies and the next morning there was this pretty fairy dress up dress in its place. She was so excited with the dress she forgot about the binkys. Go, Katy you can do it!

Heather said...

My heart skipped a beat when you said you cut the binkie. Those days are usually full of tears and headache for mom. I am glad yours is going good so far. I hope you sleep tonight.

Thanks for not posting any movie spoiler. LOL. I just had to write that because when I saw you were writing about it, I thought I hope she doesn't write anything that will ruin it for me. Then I thought, what can she really write that I don't already know. Duh.

Kristine said...

I am hoping that your have great things happen with the whole binky thing! I cut my kids binky's too, now my problem is that my 5 year old NEVER would use a binky. She sucked(s) her thumb...I even have an ultrsound picture of her sucking her thumb. Let me tell you there is no cutting off of that pacifier! So we are still working on that one.
I am going to see Twilight on Saturday so thanks for the heads up!

Camille said...

I too thought the movie was ok. I am constantly disappointed by movies made from books. Oh, well.