They did great! For starters, Stephen was a jock elephant, Rhett was a hip hop elephant, Brooklyn a 60's elephant, and Dalin a hillbilly elephant. Each group did their own little number. I could post so many pictures, but I'll spare you. The play in and of itself was not that great. We were told the script left a lot to be desired so they added and improvised. Seussical was a little more fun. It definitely had it's good moments though. Whitley was a giraffe at first and then a vulture the rest. Chelsey wasn't in this one, but she helped choreograph some of the numbers. My camera was not being on it's best behavior so the pictures are not top notch. They had also just done a number with a glow in the dark snake and had "smoke" blowing so you can still see the haze in my pictures. I missed a lot the first night trying to get my camera to cooperate so I was able to sneak in today's performance and just watch. It was way more fun this time.
This is Hillbilly Dalin. His group did a little square dance to Thank God I'm a Country Boy
His toothless grin made him perfect for this part!

60's Brooklyn. I have no idea what the song was, but they were quite jazzy!
This is the group that Chelsey mosty choreographed for.
Hip Hop Rhett. He got the "homeboy" stance down pretty well.
They danced to Can't touch this. Rhett has moves!
Jock Stephen. He was the captain of his group. They danced to a medley of
We Will Rock You, YMCA, and Macho Man
Oh so fun!! Love the costumes-
I wish I would have gone. Your kids look great.
What a great experience!!
Cool! I think the pictures turned out great. (PS My sympathies for JoAnne. Death stinks.)
We are going tonight! I am excited to see it. You have the cutest elephants and giraffe!
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