Thursday, November 20, 2008


Tonight was the elementary music program. This is Rhett's second year playing the viola. He begs to quit and even intentionally forgets his instrument some days. I'm the diligent mom who shows up at school with it. He sighs and groans and goes off to practice. I told him he has to finish out the year and then he could quit. I see the logic in not letting them quit, to push onward, but I also can't see the logic in making a kid do something he doesn't enjoy. Being an amazing viola player won't make his life that much better. So if he doesn't want to play next year, I'll be fine with that.

This is Brooklyn's first year playing the cello. I wanted her to wait a year and then play the flute, but she is impatient like her mom. It's about as big as she is, but she likes it and is doing really well.

Quote of the day: We were sitting at McDonald's after the concert and we were talking about Rhett and Brooklyn looking so much alike. They could almost pass for twins. Rhett replies: "Except I eat slower, and I AM better looking."


Shelli said...

I HAD to play the clarinet because we owned one and I hated every minute of it. I'd let him quit.

Leslie said...

Hilarious! They are so cute.