Monday, October 27, 2008

Pizza, Pumpkins, and Caramel Apples

We started with a little of this:

Then made some of these:

Made a BIG mess with these:

And ended like this!

Family Home Evening (FHE) tonight was all about making memories. I made their very favorite homemade pizza. While we were eating, Chelsey took a bite, paused, and said "This tastes so good!" I thought for sure whe was going to make a complaint. When Stephen asked what we were doing tonight, I told him and he was very excited. As he noticed what we were having for dinner, he exclaimed "This is the best night ever!" Now that is what I like to hear.

The caramel apples are always more fun to make than eat. Katy started hers before we even put them in the oven. Many even took just a few bites then resorted to cutting them up. Bo still has a sore mouth so eating them pretty much just made him whine. Poor Whitley couldn't eat any apples (braces) so she just had jello. Dalin struggled a little as well since he has no front teeth. Katy got really grouchy and just wanted to be held. In most pictures, just imagine her clinging to my leg crying.

The pumpkins went really well. Usually I get stuck finishing them. I didn't carve a single thing this year, except getting the lids off. Some years we have painted, some we have carved, and others we did nothing at all. I guess it's been a while since we carved cuz they all did so good. There was a little contention as the beginning designs were being planned, but I nipped that pretty quickly and they all got on board together and made it work. It was a really fun night.

Katy, Whitley, Dalin making their apples

Dalin trying to bite his with no front teeth

Bo getting the courage to stick his hand inside

Katy waving her hands and yelling "ewww"

Very cool, Stephen and Nick

Whitley grouchily eating her jello

Serious business. They were struggling to get it all the way through the pumpkin.

Brooklyn taking her turn to carve

Bo frustrated that his "tinker sord" still hurts (canker sore)

Rhett's feeling about cleaning the inside of the pumpkin, not the apple!

Dalin really wanted his to have horns, even had a few tears over it. Whitley suggested they take the ears and make the punched out part the horns. Dalin was OK with that.

I thought if I put Katy on the table, I might have a few minutes without her on me. A few seconds was more like it!

Chelsey didn't waste any time cutting her apple up, much too mature to have caramel hanging from her teeth.

This is Rhett... well.... being Rhett!

Stephen was finally able to distract Katy long enough for me to get things cleaned up. He, Katy and Bo were dancing in the living room.


gena said...

Homerun FHE for sure! How fun! Love the pumkins:)

Heather said...

I wished I lived next door to you so I could peek in the windows to see your fun FHE nights. We are going to attempt this tonight wish me luck.

Kathy said...

My favorite posts are the ones with lots of pictures. :) It looks like a lot of fun...I still don't know how you do it!

Leslie said...

Woo Hoo! I love all the pictures, too. What a great night. We had Pappa at Traffic School for FHE last night. :) Then when he got home the kids were in bed and we watched the UFC Fight from Saturday. We're so religious and family oriented, I know.
The whole time Britt had braces she would use a vegetable peeler to eat apples. She'd shave a big pile of them, eat, then start again. She loves apples too much not to eat them!
I'm too lazy to do caramel apples. we just buy the dip!
By the way, L-Lysine is like a wonder-healer for canker sores. They make a liquid form you could put in chocolate milk or juice. Seriously the stuff is amazing.

Jake and Jenny said...

Wow, that was a great family home evening. We attempt maybe one of those things in a night. That is so cute, tinker sword. That cracked me up. You are an awesome Mom, Laurie.

Camille said...

Our pumpkin night it tonight! I love carving pumpkins--it's one of our fav memories too. But now I want a caramel apple too . . . lol