Saturday, October 4, 2008

perfect ending

Ok, so we went to dinner tonight. While Kristie and I sat and waited for the guys to show up, she points out this boy at a table behind us. At first she was thinking "Kylee would think he was really cute." Then she says "is that the kid you picked out for Chelsey?" Sure enough. There he was with his Dad and brothers. I couldn't say nothing now, could I? I went over and introduced myself as the crazy lady. His dad recalled the story. I also mentioned that I knew Angela (austin's dad's cousin). It was crazy and a little awkward, but totally funny. Glade walked in while I was talking to them so he introduced himself as well. I'm sure his dad was thinking "stay far away austin!" Anyway, I told them I knew where to look him up in 3 years or so. I texted Chelsey right after that and of course she was, again, mortified. She will thank me someday! Or have me committed, who knows. It was really funny though, and as I like to say meant to be.


SherriH said...

Well, I have gotten caught up. I can read your blog at work but they have the computers set so you cannot blog from them.

I have enoyed your stories of Bo and Katy. They are at such a fun age.

Does mom keep all of those costumes at her house? Holy cow you have quite a few of them. I bet it's great fun trying stuff on. My are getting to the point that they don't do halloween anymore.

I tried to call you the other day but my cell phone messed up and I wasn't sure I was dialing the right number so I gave up. Nothing major, just had a question as to if you remembered if you went to school with a Tony Pentlier or something like that. He used to date Tiffany McCannon. I work with his little sister.

Keep the funnies coming so I have something to read during my short lunch breaks.

Give everyone a big hug from Aunt Sherri.

Lulu said...

I actually closed my eyes as I realized you actually went over to reintro yourself to the ice cream boy. You are hilarious. And much braver than I.

Tairi said...

You crack me up! I dont think i would be that brave either.

I cant belive that is Brooklyn. I remember when she was born. She is such a pretty girl. Happy Birthday!

Leslie said...

What a great follow-up. I love it!

Scott and Ang said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Look at your family! They are all so beautiful....& OLD! I recognize Chelsey from that night. I watched her the whole time. She was the best one!!! I remember she had the best facial expressions. I love your blog. I wish I was better at mine. Maybe you can teach how (or you can just do it for me haha). It was so good to talk to you. See ya at the gym!!! (When do u go?)
Love, Ang

Heather said...

I want to see him. Actually I think you should post his picture on your blog. :)