Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life is Peachy

The last few days have just been Peachy, literally. Tonight we finished pealing the peaches that were too ripe to can. We chopped them up and made jam out of them. This was the conclusion of Chelsey's project. She says she never wants to see another peach again. At this point, I would have to agree. My friend Julia sent me to get some jars at a grocery store she was at. I was so grateful to finally find them. As I drove there I couldn't help but wonder "What the heck are you shopping clear out here for??" It wasn't very close. Nonetheless, I got jars. I came home to finish the pears only to find that most of the box was mush. They don't look it, but when you touch them, they totally squish, almost like they are hollow. I ended up with 3 stupid jars or pears. Not even worth processing. We will be having them for Sunday breakfast or something! What a waste. I bought extra jars though so I won't run into this again.

The last few days have been typically busy with not much to tell. Lots of running here and there. Got Rhett signed up for soccer today. Winter should be busy with Rhett playing Soccer and Stephen playing football. I can only hope Nick will be included in that, but his grades aren't improving too awful much. Very sad. The girls have been home for two weeks now and that has been enjoyable. The rest are off next week. I'm considering taking them camping by myself, is that crazy?

I wanted to get to the gym this afternoon, but I can hardly walk. I'm not sure why I'm so sore from yesterday, but I almost walk like a 9 month pregnant woman. Waddle waddle. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit looser. Gotta get my babies out of the tub, Maybe I'll get in myself!
Finishing the bread

Her first set of peach jars
Her making jam
Finished project - peachy!


Heather said...

Aren't you so glad that is all done. I'll have to tell you my peach story that makes me never want to touch them again. Tell Chelsey great job and tell her she is to stinkin cute. Never mind I can tell her myself at evening of excellence.

Leslie said...

Good job Chelsey. You'll thank your mom for this someday. If you remember it!
Sorry your pears were mushy. Bummer.
I'd love to come camping with you. Think my kids would notice if I was gone?