Monday, October 20, 2008

scarred for life

So Bo, Katy and I stopped in to Chick Fil A for lunch today. We were the only ones in the restaurant sitting quietly enjoying our meal. I went to get a refill and when I came back, Bo was asking me:

Bo: Ya know that girl with the blue shirt?
Me: What girl?
Bo: The girl with the blue shirt with lines on it?
Me: (I say "sure" even though I have no clue who he is talking about)
Bo: She was hitting me a lot! She was very mean.

This is the first time we have been there since the little girl attacked him and I had completely forgotten. Obviously he hasn't. He even remembers her blue shirt with lines on it. Very sad.


Heather said...

what a good memory. Well I mean he has a good memory to remember it. Not a good memory of the girl hitting him.

Lulu said...

Love that kid. What girl would even want to hit him?? Poor guy, he's been scarred by the girl with the sriped shirt...