Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biking Results

The results are in - legs:fine, back:fine, arms:fine, rear:NOT FINE! Holy Crap. I rode so my muscles wouldn't hurt and now I can hardly even sit. I'm totally not exaggerating. I need one of those doughnut pillows. Very crazy.

Today I am helping Chelsey with her Young Women in Excellence project. She wanted to just use something she has already done and be done with it, but I'm highly opposed to that. The whole point is to spend 10 hours learning something new. She isn't happy, but too bad. We have spent the morning making bread. Shocking huh? She thinks its very boring and probably cheaper to just buy it. I explained about having a "skill". I don't know if she got it or not, but we completed 6 loaves. In the next few days we will be canning peaches and making peach jam. Something else she is not excited about. Someday she will either thank me or apologize that she didn't listen. Speaking of peaches, I can't find a box of jars anywhere. I knew I waited too long. Anyone have extra jars I could use and replace them when the stores are restocked? If not, I think I will just freeze them, you can do that right?

Glade went out of town today and now I'm on my own. I hate it when he leaves. I'm really not comparing, Heather. I would never want what you have. But I do hate it when he is gone. Tomorrow, instead of a date night, I'm taking all the kids to my mom's to sort through Halloween costumes and see what we are going to have for this year. That should be fun, we will order pizza or something. I love Halloween. I'm going to start getting all my decorations out this weekend.


Kathy said...

Joe just signed us up for a gym on the 30th. He has been the last two days. I'll go after work today for the first time. I am excited to get back in shape, but I am not excited for those "stuck on the toilet" moments where you have to use the walls to get up. =)

Kristine said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sore parts:)! On the flip side, just reading about all the things you do makes me tired and jealous that you are so amazing. Since you are my friend I am going to just be amazed and not compare! But, someday I want to grow up and accomplish 1/2 of what you do in one day!

Heather said...

Sore part from a work out is good pain, I love it. Hope you feel better soon.

I am with you with the value projects. We are canning meat on Monday.

sorry to hear your hubby is gone. I have it down to a science but it still stinks.

Camille said...

Good for you for making her learn a skill! I actually was thinking that I want to come and learn with you guys. No seriously, I really was. :) Long story short--my mom never taught me because HER mom was nazi canner. She's now anti-canning. But I totally want to learn. So if you ever want to teach a willing learner--I'm here. :) I also may have a box of jars that you can borrow.

gena said...

I think the bike is just one of those things you have to ease into. I was the same way and now I can go longer without hurting my rear:)

Kathy said...

Are you having Sunday dinner? If so, can we crash it, and what can we bring?