Saturday, October 11, 2008

Did you feel it?

It's almost here! There was a chill in the air today! I know it was only temporary and it's going to be 97 again by next week, but today was wonderful. I almost wished I had a jacket on. That means the holidays and all the joys and wonders that come with it are right around the corner. It almost makes me giddy. No, it does make me giddy! I also got good news that my mom is going to be in town for Thanksgiving. Normally she is in IL for the holiday, but this year she'll be back by Thursday. I have to say I kinda like that!

What is Christmas?

This is the conversation I had with Bo. Whitley was getting ready in my bathroom and wanted to listen to Christmas music so I put some on. Bo asked what this music was. I told him Christmas music and proceeded to tell him about real Christmas. I thought this was going to be awesome, explain about the birth of Christ and why we really have Christmas. The minute I said it was Jesus' birthday, he went right into how many birthdays he was going to have and how old Katy would be. Totally lost him. I tried to go back and reiterate, but he was way to excited about when his birthday would be (April). Then the song "Santa Claus is coming to town" came on. I started singing it to him and his little eyes lit up and by the end of the song, he was singing right along. Then he asked "Who is Santa, where is he, why?" Then I realized he really didn't have much of an idea about that Christmas either. So now all the kids are out watching "The Santa Clause". I figured tomorrow I would show him the video we have showing the birth of the Savior so he could understand that as well. I know it's only October, but.......Whatever!


Heather said...

Oh you are making me giddy for Christmas, not the cold part just Christmas. BTW Dalin just made my day today, I love him.

Unknown said...

Did I feel it? Yes I did. I had to let the car run for 5 minutes this morning to melt the frozen dew off the windshield.

No snow yet though. Christmas isn't close, yet! ;-)