Monday, October 13, 2008

Doing Nothing and Loving it

Icing my butt. That's what I'm doing for the next 20 min so I thought I would blog. Sunday was a struggle. Do you ever just have a day you don't feel like doing anything? That was me. Not really grouchy, just blah. If no one else cared, I probably would have stayed in bed all day. The weather was again, gorgeous. I even put pants on my kids to go to Sunday dinner. Took jackets too! Dinner was nice and we weren't in too much of a rush to get home since no one has school today.

Glade wanted me to go running with him again this morning, but he went so dang early. I just can't get myself going like he can. I got up and putzed around getting stuff ready for camping. The kids are way too excited. Finally got to the gym by about 9. I think I ran my best 10K yet, one hour and 12 minutes. I need to go back and look, it might not be. yup, (2 min faster) I felt good though, not like I might die.

My house is a disaster. I mentioned to the kids that we needed to get some work done today and then Whitley said something that struck a chord with me. "why clean anything today? Just finish packing today and we can clean at the end of tomorrow. " Why not?! If they don't mind hanging out in filth for 2 days, what the heck? I have a lot of running around to do so I'm just not going to worry about it. I also decided that since they really only have 2 days of being at home over break, I don't even care if they watch TV the whole day. Wow, I'm a good mom. We'll see if my lackadaisical attitude lasts!

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