Thursday, October 30, 2008

Another Catch Up

Today, Robyn and I went to visit Cyndi in the hospital. Cyndi is my teaching and Activity Days partner. She is 26 weeks pregnant and her amniotic sac started to leak. They are trying to keep her from delivering for at least another week and a half. She is in really good spirits and looked good. Her husband has been keeping her good company and taking great notes on all the statistics. They have tons of family to help with her little boy so there's not a lot we could offer her. I just hope and pray all goes well with her little Lucy. So cute. Thanks Shellie for all your help today!

Dalin finally woke up without a fever so we sent him to school. About 1 pm the phone rang "come get Dalin, he has a fever." Grrr, this makes 6 days. I'm getting a little worried just because it's very low grade and sporadic. I hate doing the doctor thing: Probably a virus. He seems to feel fine most of the time, just tired by afternoon. I don't know.

I started another book yesterday. I know, I'm not a reader, but somehow it's caught hold of me. I so enjoyed Mary and Joseph that I went and got the book called Master. It's a novel about the life of the Savior. I don't know much yet, I have only just begun. I have liked the way I feel much better when I read these kind of books. I think Tennis Shoes among the Nephites are next on my list. My kids have loved them so maybe I will too!

Tomorrow is Halloween! It has been so great having all the costumes ready and done. I spent exactly $2 on costumes this year - Nice! I think we have eaten about a third of the candy I bought to pass out. It's supposed to be 90 degrees tomorrow and that totally stinks. Nothing like sweating to death in a costume and eating Chili in shorts. It's just not right! I'm sure I will have lots of pictures for tomorrow. Gotta go make 3 dozen cupcakes for Brooklyn's class party. I love that kind of stuff.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Oh I am so glad you guys went to visit Cyndi. Wow, $2, I thought I did well with $10!