Stephen played the championship game tonight and they won, keeping their undefeated status. Yeah! Stephen's abilities grew substantially from the start of the season. This is the first time ever that he has played soccer. He didn't even know the rules when he started. He's not the quickest guy out there, but he certainly holds his own. Great job Stephen!
The "huddle jump" as the final whistle blew and they new they were champs
Behind the Red #1 is Stephen. This is right after he bumped the ball with his head. I missed it by one second!
Trophy in hand
Bo saw a little dog across the way and wanted to pet it. I told him to go ask the lady if he could pet her dog. He went screaming over "CAN I PET YOUR DOG!!" The dog ran right at him and he started jumping and squealing. He wasn't quite sure if he like it or not. Glade went over with him and showed him how to calmly play with the dog. Every time the dog would head in Bo's direction, he would turn away and squeal.
Katy, my little independent one, says "bye mom, I'm off to the park!" (she didn't really say that, she doesn't really talk much)
Katelyn has the BEST big brothers. Rhett followed her around and helped her on the slide and held her on his lap while they swung and then pushed her on her own swing. By the time we left, she just wanted Rhett.
This is what Bo did for like the first 25 minutes we were there. Back and forth, back and forth.
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