Thursday, October 23, 2008

Evening of Excellence

A couple of weeks ago the girls had their Young Women's Evening of Excellence. Each girl is asked to complete a 10 hour project and then share what they did that evening. The theme was Royalty - Daughters of a King. They asked all the girls to dress up as princesses and then when they introduced them, they crowned each one with a tiara. Chelsey did the bread and peaches thing and Whitley read her scriptures, wrote notes about what she read and then compiled them into a short folder. It was a very nice evening and the girls all looked beautiful. My pictures are not much to write home about but nonetheless, here they are:

Whitley being introduced donning my senior year prom dress

Chelsey being introduced wearing a gown borrowed by her Aunt Amy

This is Chelsey rolling her eyes as she announces that her mom made her do this particular project because "she wanted to domesticate me".
Whitley with two of her friends Rachel and Becca - all in pink!

Chelsey with Alex

They lined the girls up so we could see their beauty!

1 comment:

Lulu said...

I love all the frill, and your prom dress is... pink. Ü Where's the crowned butterfly??