Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Playing Catch up

The last few days have been pretty busy trying to get settled from our camping trip. Sunday I even cancelled dinner because my house was a mess and laundry everywhere. Monday morning came around and it wasn't much better. I made the responsible choice and skipped the gym to stay home and get laundry finished and find my kitchen. I spent basically the whole morning in there scrubbing down while making a fresh batch of bread. My bread was pretty hole-y this time, a little too soft. Any suggestions? By noon it looked like my house again and was filled with the aroma of fresh bread. I dressed the three of us (barely) and headed out for milk. We have gone through a ton of milk lately. Got home just in time for a short snooze and finished the day with homework, soccer games, dinner and FHE. I was definitely ready for bed. Although I stayed up a little longer to get in another chapter or two of my book.

Was up and at 'em by 6 am. Had playgroup at my house today so I needed to be ready. Katy loves when we have it here. She gets so excited. Bo was a little weird. Very possessive of his stuff. He is not usually like that. He didn't even want the girls going into his closet. He made it through the day with only some minor tears and drama. Stephen has soccer games everyday this week and they all have play practice as well tomorrow. Thursday is Bunko and I always love when that comes around, especially this time of year. Saturday we have about a million things going on. Most exciting is Brooklyn's belated birthday party. We are going to see High School Musical 3. Yeah!

Family Circle
Last night while making dinner, I kept having to shoo Bo out of the pantry. Finally he comes out and says "do the pans live in there?" Pan-try....


SherriH said...

Sounds like you finally got caught up. Want to come to my house and get caught up?

Darrin was in a car accident and he is just needing to get his medical bills paid.

I love your Bo stories, I share them with Cassie all the time. I am going to post one about my nephews and what they did, it makes your brood look mild.

gena said...

Gotta love that catch up feeling:) I'm sooo sorry Saydie had an accident at playgroup. It's been forever since she's done that-how embarrassing! She doesn't like that it interupts what's she's doing-I'll make sure and take her before from now on.