Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Christmas Jars

Yesterday I found myself at home again with sick kids. Dalin is going on 5 days of off and on fever. Bo and Katy are finally getting back to normal. With all this time stuck at home, I decided to get out my Christmas Book I bought last year, A Christmas Treasury, and see what's actually in it. It is a wonderful book with a section for each day until Christmas. Each chapter is an attribute: charity, hope, gratefulness, etc. Tells stories and quotes about each one and relates it to Christmas. I can't wait to get started reading it to my family.

While digging it out, I found another book that I think was sent for free when I ordered the previous. It's called Christmas Jars. I think I thought it was about making cookie jars or something. Then I noticed it said novel on it or something. I decided to read it. I won't tell the whole story, but it is inspiring. This year I have decided to make my own Christmas Jar and try to get my family involved as well. I think it will be a great tradition and prove to be very rewarding. I would tell you about the book, but for a short book, it's a long story. In retelling it to my mother, it brought both her and I to tears. I lent it to a friend who called me a few chapters in to tell me she was already crying. Very touching story. There is a website that explains it a little more. The book is short, a one day read, if anyone would like to borrow it.


Heather said...

oh that sounds like a get in the spirit of Christmas book. When you get it back and don't mind sharing, I want to borrow a sneek peek.

Jason Wright said...

Thanks, Laurie! Glad you enjoyed it :) But even MORE excited that you're going to give a jar away!

Camille said...

I loved that book too. My book club read it when it first came out. It really is a GREAT story!