Friday, October 10, 2008

Glade loves me

Thursday was pretty uneventful. Gym, Costco, after school stuff. I had one highlight. Two of my friends agreed to come camping with me. I hope they don't bail on me, I think it will be totally fun. My kids are way excited. It will be nice and chilly which makes for great campfires and hot chocolate!

Today Glade and I ran together outside. I did my first outside 5 and a half miles. It was tough. I woke up with cramps anyway so I really didn't want to go, but I did want to go with Glade. I sucked it up and I'm glad I did. He let me go at my pace, he loves me. At least it gave me the confidence that I can do the Turkey Trot, even if it's not very fast. Now if I can just figure out how to cook dinner while I'm away running!

Tonight we are supposed to go see a movie. I read about it online. It's called Fireproof. The entire cast are volunteers, including Kirk Cameron. It's put on by a Christian group and the main theme is about a firefighter fighting for his marriage. It's been on the top 10 for 2 weeks now. I'm anxious to see a nice clean movie with a good moral. That might be worth my $9.


Heather said...

We want to see that movie too. Let me know if you like it.

Lulu said...

Kirk Cameron? I haven't heard that name in a long time. The Full house years... I went running outside too! I missed it so much- I am thinking of calling the gym quits. But I only can run 3 miles at this poin- you are crazy!

Lulu said...

Oh yeah, and I am actually excited to go camping!!! My kids were nearly bouncing out of their chairs when I told them.

Leslie said...

Very cool on the running. And dang I wish my kids were on the same school schedule as you. I'd be out of here for sure (assuming I were invited, of course).