Friday, April 18, 2008


Another Friday, another weigh in. Would have loved 3, but got 2.5 which is still totally great since I only got to work out 3x this week. Must..keep...going! If anyone is totally bored of hearing about my weight loss, sorry. I want to be able to go back and see how great it made me feel if I ever gain it back, which is totally not in the plan. I'm finally starting to feel a difference. My wedding ring is actually almost too loose and that makes me kind of nervous. I had a goal of 7 more lbs before May 23 and I hope to blow that out of the water. I'm going back to my Gramma's 80th birthday party. They all saw me last summer, so it's not like it would be shocking to see me this heavy, I just don't wanna be and that seemed like a good bench mark to shoot for.


Heather said...

you should write about it, I believe that helps keep you going. Besides when I read about it is helps me too. Ü

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

keep up the good work! I wish I could be as motivated as you!:)

Camille said...

Good for you! I'm giving you a pat on the back from me!! I like your weight loss feedback, it's inspiring.

gena said...

I like reading about it. It's like my own motivator to keep me going:) You are doing amazing!!

Leslie said...

Good for you!!