Wednesday, April 2, 2008

the "needs" game

So this is a little game Kathy did on her blog. You type in your name (ie: Laurie needs) into a search engine and see what comes up. I only did it for Glade and I which was actually kind of funny since Glade is, you know, an airfreshner! Here's what I found:

Laurie needs mourning and remembrance
Laurie needs to lose weight
Laurie needs a favor
Laurie needs more police reserves
Laurie needs a crash helmet
Laurie needs a copy of The Complete Idiots Guide to Your Civil Liberties

Glade needs a home
Glade needs to really focus on service
Glade needs special care
Glade needs a hero
Glade needs to make an airfreshner (he he)
Glade needs a users manual - AMEN!

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