Conference weekend! Ashamed, I admit that yesterday I completely forgot about conference until 3:18 pm. It was a crazy morning picking up kids from different places and it just slipped my mind. Luckily I can go listen to them Via the amazing Internet! (and I will) Last night, Glade, Nick and I went out to dinner before priesthood meeting. Usually Glade's family all go together and we wives go meet them after for dinner. This year we had to change plans because Glade bought tickets to the Ray Romano Comedy Tour. He came straight home from priesthood and we headed out for the 8pm show. I was a little nervous about it being inappropriate. I really didn't want to ruin my image of him. We got there right on time. There was a little mini opener who was kind of foul and not very funny. Then Ray came out and he was really funny! Tears kind of funny. It was great, all about marriage and family. THEN the last guy came out. It was his brother Robert from the show. Brad Garrett. He was FOUL. We didn't even stay a whole minute. He was using the F bomb like nothing else. If ever given the chance, skip that one. So we went for ice cream.
Sunday, a day of rest. Not this one. Got up early to make a big breakfast for my family, that's tradition. Watched conference. My kids did really well. I printed out packets for them and it was really helpful. Strange to not see Pres. Hinckley, but I've always adored Pres. Monson. Between sessions, we (Glade, the older kids and I) cut up 5 flats of strawberries to make freezer jam. Once that was done, we started refilling our 72 hr kits. Chelsey is amazing. She packed her kit so well we were able to fit in another oatmeal and a pack of cookies!
After the second session, which I think I enjoyed a little more, we got started on the jam. Amy and Tyler came over to help, that's also a tradition. I made my first ever batch of home made chicken noodle soup. Didn't even use a recipe. I thought it turned out really yummy. Glade and Tyler did most of the jam making. They were like steam rollers! Ended up with 44 quarts. That should last a little while.
My kitchen was an absolute wreck! Luckily I have great family. Everyone pitched in and helped clean it up. Amy even swept my floor! I was so thankful cuz now I can go to the gym tomorrow instead of staying home and cleaning. It kind of stresses me out when I don't get to go.
So though my day was busy, it was very productive. That's the kind of busy I like!
On a really happy Mommy note: Last night about 1:30 am, several lights flipped on. I sat up to see who was in the hall. It was Bo. He woke up, went potty, and put him self back in bed! Not a word! I put all his diapers away today. whew!

We used about every bowl and container I own

Chelsey working on 72 hr kits
Fabulous! First, I love that you posted a pic with Glade's hair awry. And I love the pic of Chelsey on the floor next to the pic of Pres Hinckley. It seems appropriate. I never finished my raspberry jam, they are still in my freezer, I wasn't about to tackle strawberries! Sounds yummy though!
You amaze me. The little girl that didn't do any domestic anything growing up and look at her now!
I love the music you've added to your page. You are so creative! I am going to take a Saturday while everyone is gone and try to pretty up my page.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog, I didn't know Dad and Jo were reading mine also though. Yikes!!
Have a good week. I will be stopping by daily so keep me posted!
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