My pictures are all backwards so I'm going to just have to jump all over with the week end updates. Sunday morning we got up and had rubber pancakes for breakfast and we were all ready kind of early. I'm adamant about children staying inside before church, for obvious reasons. I guess Katy snuck out. We found her out on the tramp with her laundry hamper. She was out there for quite some time all by herself. Such a creative little gal!
This was Homecoming Weekend and it was full of drama. I will keep it short in the interest of privacy, but this is the sum of it. Chelsey got asked by a friend a few weeks before and between the time of him asking and the actual dance, they decided to "date". I guess it didn't work out as well as she had hoped so she ended it the night before the dance. Nice. After a lot of tears on Saturday morning, she decided to not go to the dance with him and instead just go with her girlfriends. It was a wise choice! She had a great time and was very happy with the outcome.

Glade was gone on a scout campout on Friday and didn't get back till Saturday night at about the time we were supposed to be at a friend's birthday party. We had a great time hanging out and talking with really good people. Thanks Heather.
Sunday was very uneventful. The kids had their primary program at church and all did really well. Bo was adorable, of course. He was very proud that he said his part with no help. We have decided to take the 4th Sunday off every month from family dinner. It's kind of nice to have a night with just our little family. I had planned a really yummy dinner with dessert, but the kids had a fireside and choir practice so it ended up a fend for yourself night for them. The rest of us had "made-over" left overs. Not exactly the evening I had envisioned!
Monday I went to the gym and decided to ride instead of run. Today my butt hurts. I had visiting teachers come while Glade worked out in the garden. We are almost ready to plant. Boys had a soccer game and the others got hair cuts. Had our yummy dinner from the night before followed with homemade apple pie and ice cream. Two kids went to bed with fevers and are home with me today. Hopefully that will not spread like our last little bug!
Poor Chelsey! Poor Mom! I can only imagine the drama, but she has grown into such a beautiful young woman. Someday, she will meet the right guy. I hope everyone feels better soon.
Love the pictures of Katy in her laundry basket on the trapoline! What a great girl!
cute pics. It feels so weird to have someone say they are planting right now because we a putting up all our food. That's AZ for ya....
I'm glad things worked out for Chelsey. That would be a really hard choice to make! She's always been a pretty girl, but she's really becoming beautiful.
Chelsey is just to stinking beautiful! Love her and glad she went to the dance anyways.
Thanks for coming to the party. We love having you guys as our friends.
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