Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another successful day

Today was a totally successful day. I stuck to my diet and even enjoyed it. I forgot that when you eat the right food, you can have a lot more of it. I burned a little more than half of what I ate, which I didn't enjoy. Just not running well. I guess I have to work back up to it. I returned a library book that was lost and then found and now returned. Yeah! I got my neck checked out and got in and out of the x-ray place in 30 min, unheard of! I straightened things out with a teacher at the school and got dinner done before kids had to be at play practice. All good things. The hard thing...staying at home doing nothing but thinking about not eating. I have to stay home as to not spend money. Once the stinkin heat goes away, we can go places that don't cost money.
Katy was yelling at me from my bathroom telling me she was taller than me and Bo. I thought I better see what she might be climbing on. This is what I found.


Kristine said...

Too funny!

Tammy said...

Good job today! I also can't wait for the heat to be gone. That girl is too funny!

Tomena said...

Ha ha! I love that pic!

Anonymous said...

she is a hoot! Dacia