Thursday, September 10, 2009

Do You Ever Just Want to Yell?

That's how I feel today. I woke up happy with a great night's sleep, but that ended very quickly. My kids are just rotten. OK, not all of them, but enough that I just wondered what happened to everything they have ever been taught? Why do they take such pleasure in being mean to one another. I gave them all the "do unto others" and "be like Christ" speech, but I really just wanted to take them all down! Then I went home, chatted with mom and felt like I was good again. I headed to do some grocery shopping and all my anxiety came back. I'm about done shopping with Bo and Katy. After Wal-mart and about half way through Costco, I was just ready to cry. I promised them Chick Fil A, but ended up not. They, too, do not listen and were making me crazy. I was sweaty and grouchy and just wanted to be home in my underwear. We did a drive through at Taco Bell so I could have a Diet Pepsi and Katy cried the whole way home. I almost joined her. As I was unloading the groceries and beginning to sweat again, I just got really pissed off. I'm so sick of the frickin heat! Go away already. Katy was asleep by the time we got home so I put her in her bed, got a show started for Bo and went and had myself a little time out. OK, good to go again. Got groceries put away, headed to lay down with Bo and Katy woke up. I decided to let them both watch TV with Nick out in the living room and maybe a little alone time would do me good. Not so much. Now I have to go mail a package, pay my water bill and go sit in the stupid heat to watch a soccer game. Would I be a bad mom if I skipped it??? I really just want some cold sticky gooey ice cream. I know that will only make me sad later, so I'm resisting. I just need to suck it up and get through it. Obviously every one else is dealing with the hell that we live in, I should be able to as well. Guess it's time to get my pants on and go face the afternoon. I will apologize in advance if I happen to cut you off or run you off the road, I'm in a mood!


Kathy said...

Shopping when you're sweating is sucky! It was so hot at Costco the last time I was there I forgot half of the stuff I went for!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, I can feel your pain! Okay, not with the kids so much, but the heat. I can't believe I am saying this, but, enough is enough! 80 degrees would be soooo nice.
Hang in there, Laurie, coolness is coming. The kids will be better. Have just a small scoop of ice cream - you will feel better. Dacia

Tomena said...

I'm sorry! I can only be nice for so long... I think my consistance # of days in a row is two. Than I can hold the ugly beast of a mother that's inside me no longer. But once she comes out for a day she can go back again..... My poor kids!

Hope tomorrow is better. Not missin' the heat. CO, is great your brood should come and check it out.

Leslie said...

Rats! I hope today is better.

Unknown said...

I've always felt that summer in AZ was more of a prison sentence than anything else. Sorry, I really feel for ya!

Heather said...

sorry you had grouchies this week. I will be taking your place in the winter. I have felt like that alot this week too but I know it cannot be heat related because I love it. I hope next week goes better for you. STAY AWAY FROM THE ICE CREAM!

Heather said...

sorry you had grouchies this week. I will be taking your place in the winter. I have felt like that alot this week too but I know it cannot be heat related because I love it. I hope next week goes better for you. STAY AWAY FROM THE ICE CREAM!