Monday, September 14, 2009

A Divine Calling

This has been on my mind a lot recently so I decided I would organize it in a post. I used to be a very "I'm as good as any boy" kind of girl. Wanting to do whatever they were doing just to prove I could. Girls rule! I still have a part of that in me, but as I have grown and learned and matured, I have come to a very peaceful place about being a woman. I know that my feelings aren't those of all women, so I will do my disclaimer right now. This is how I feel about ME.

I love being a mom, a wife, a homemaker, a sister, a daughter....a woman. I have come to understand the roles and partnership between man and woman. One isn't better than the other. I don't need to do all the things they do to have worth and value. Heavenly Father blessed us with unique and different qualities and strengths. I appreciate all that Glade does and honestly wouldn't want to do half of it. He feels the same about my responsibilities. We are a team and together, we make a whole. It was meant to be that way from the beginning. I believe in equal rights and all that stuff, but I'm sad as to where our world has gone with women wanting all that man has. We are not lesser just different. There are so many things women possess that contribute to our world without actually receiving a paycheck for it. Our paycheck comes from a different source. In my opinion, much more rewarding than the $$$ on a paper check.

I think that the smile of a child or the arms around your leg or the phone call to tell you when something exciting happens is so rewarding! A clean floor, an empty laundry room, a full pantry...all paychecks of a job well done. Even a psychiatrist will tell you that an adult going through a traumatic experience would call out for their "mommy". To have three kids piled around you all vying for a little closeness is like no other feeling. Just being next to me is comforting and desirable to them. I came out of the shower one morning to find Bo sitting on the floor in my bathroom. I asked what he was doing and he said he was waiting for me to get out so he could lay with me. I wasn't really planning on going back to bed and he was obviously already out of bed, but he didn't want to start his day without that little bit of cuddling. I got dressed and we went back to bed. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was totally worth it.

I chuckle to myself often at how many kids will migrate to wherever I am. They will even watch something they aren't interested in, just to be close by. I still follow my mom around the house to talk to her or see what she is doing. There is a draw to mothers. I'm aware that this is all normal, but what I'm trying to get across is the appreciation for it. The paycheck. I wouldn't want to miss any of these experiences for those the world or workplace could offer me. My Divine calling is to take care of my family, my husband, my nurture. Like all things, when we have abandoned this natural instinct and quality, we can forget how great it is. The rewarding and accomplished feelings we can get from doing "womanly" things. The difference we can make in so many lives if we follow after women of old, who spent their time helping in the community and raising their children, learning skills and hobbies that bless the lives of others.

I love the soft side of women. I know I wouldn't necessarily be considered "soft", but I'm more talking about the trends to be vulgar and harsh. It's so unbecoming to hear women with foul mouths and behavior like that of a sailor. I love to see women watched over by the men in their lives. To "need" his assistance. I love sparkles and jewelry and ruffles. I wish I had more occasion to adorn these the idea of them are appealing. The idea of being the "weaker" sex does not mean weaker in ability or intelligence, just in being softer and in need of a big strong man to compliment her. Am I sounding soppy and old-fashioned?? Good! That would be a womanly trait.

To sum it all up. I'm not "just" a mom. I'm not "unemployed". I don't sit on the couch and eat Bon Bons. I'm a woman with a tremendous amount of love for those who depend on me and look to me for guidance, direction and love. I am completely fulfilled in this role. I don't feel like there is anything more important I could be doing at this point in my life. I understand what God intended for me to do and how Divine and important it is. I don't feel "undervalued", I feel privileged to be trusted with this job. Honored that He believes in me enough to hand over his little spirits to my care. To have a husband who believes I can do this as well. Mostly to have children that believe I can do most anything. Someday they will learn otherwise, but in the meantime, I am their center and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Being of the female persuasion is truly a wonderful blessing. Girls don't "rule".....they rock!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful you could put your feelings into words! You totally rock my world. It always make me feel warm inside to read your blogs - makes me want to follow you around the house!!! Your husband, children and the extended family are surely blessed to have you in their midst. Dacia
PS: I really don't see you sitting around eating bon bons.

Tairi said...

I love this post, I feel exactly the same way but I could never put it as you did. I even got a little teary eyed. Thanks Laurie, I have always looked up to you!

Tina said...

Beautifully stated.

Tammy said...


Unknown said...

Laurie, this post has been stewing in my mind these last 2 days. If is a beautiful sentiment on womanhood. You are a credit to your gender.

Leslie said...


Lulu said...

How to respond... A thank you doesn't seem to suffice. After our conversation last week, I am sure you knew I needed this post! So, thank you. Ü