Monday, May 18, 2009

Today, I fear....

Maybe tomorrow will be another emotion, but today I'm totally afraid of summer! In the morning, I'm so excited to not have to get up early and in the afternoon I'm so excited to not go wait in pick up lines, but let me tell you....the way my kids have behaved toward each other lately makes me very fearful for the next 10 weeks. They are sassy and rude and impatient and unforgiving. I'm constantly amazed over the things they argue about and the quick and sharp responses they have about something so trivial. Am I going to spend the next 10 weeks listening to this??? The answer to that is a definite NO!

For family home evening, we made summer plans. Just the usual day to day stuff with some ideas for outings. I was very clear with them about my feelings on how they have been acting. There will be some red cheeks and a very clean house if they don't get it under control. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised and they will get control of their mouths. One can only hope.

Today has been a day. Not bad, just.....I don't even know a good word. As Whitley got out of the car this morning, there was a scorpion on the seat of the car that she was sitting in. It quickly ran between the seats and we have not been able to find it since. How am I ever supposed to drive that again, or put my babies back there? We haven't had AC in our living area since last Thursday. It hasn't been bad, but every day it just gets warmer. Today the guy came to fix it and as he was getting it out of his truck, he dropped it and broke it. Now he has to pay for a new one. I feel awful, but what am I supposed to do?

I spent the morning cleaning which I actually like, but I'm so paranoid of scorpions now that I watch every step I take and everything I pick up like a hawk. Not that fun. The babies were restless and Bo kept wanting to know when we were going to go somewhere. I stayed strong and we stayed home! I worked my arms today and then I couldn't even cut the apple with my apple slicer because my arms were like jelly. That's a good thing. After school, I took the boys to get flip flops and some odds and ends we needed then came home and made tacos for dinner. FHE was a little out of control and I was glad to have it over.

As I have been writing this I noticed the water on in my bathroom. Katy had her head under the water trying to wash her cheek. She had used my eyeliner and then put soap on it trying to get it off. The only way she could rinse it was to put her whole head in the water. She is a handful! Tonight the Bachelorette starts which is nice since Loser just ended. I don't really watch any other TV, but it's nice to have at least one thing to look forward too!


Kristine said...

It sounds like scorpion season at your house! UGH! I just know that the one that was in your car is gone now, it just has to be! If you come up with some great ideas about summer let me know. We have the same problem at our house. Good luck with the AC.

Kathy said...

Dang Laurie! None of that sounds good. Scorpions, arguing, no AC...Today will be better. :-) I am still in awe about how you have any sort of order with such a large family. I should take some lessons from you because we have no order in our house with just three kids. ♥ Kathy

Tammy said...

I read this right before taking the kids to school this morning. The whole way there, I kept wondering if there was a scorpion in the car and who would find it. I can't stand those little buggers! Ever since Jacob was stung, I have been totally paranoid about them getting to my babies!

Heather said...

I just want to say "good luck with summer"!

and yeah the Bachlorette is starting. I hope I will start liking one of the guys in the next few weeks. Last night was rough.

Lulu said...

Oh the scorpions. You and me both. Jayce found a baby one in the bathroom last night. It's a good thing my kids arent as freaked as I am or none of us would be sleeping insead of just me!