Friday, May 29, 2009

Freakin Scorpions

I'm really being pushed to my limit only there is no real recourse for me here. Today we had just layed down for naps and I was sort of wrestling with Katy trying to get her to lay still. Bo fell asleep right away and I was frustrated with Katy for being so squirmy. I had just put her in the bear hold and told her to lay still when Bo sat up and screamed. I couldn't imagine why he was screaming, I had a firm hold on Katy so I know she didn't kick him or anything. I sat up and said "what happened?" That's when I saw that freakin little scorpion crawling on the pillow that Bo had been laying on. Poor thing sleeping away and BAM! I grabbed both kids and got them to the end of the bed and squished the little sucker. Bo cried for about 5 min. We washed it and Julia came to our rescue AGAIN because I had thrown the other stuff away not knowing what it was. I'm just so mad and can't do anything about it. I stripped my bed, washed everything and now I have to try to relax tonight. Needless to say there were no naps today. Lovely. He has been fine ever since so I'm starting to wonder if maybe it only pinched him, not stung him. Whatever happened, I'm so glad he is fine and it wasn't any worse. I was worried since it was right on his ear. Something better change soon!


Krista Darrach said..., I hope you get the scorpion thing resolved.

Jake and Jenny said...

That is so scary! We havent had any scorpions but yuck! Cockroaches and we have never seen them before, must be a bad season for bugs or something.

Lulu said...

It IS a bad season for bugs this year! We have found so mnay more scorpians than in the past. Poor little guy.

Unknown said...

I really think my bug guy can take care of it. We saw them a few times after we first moved into our QC house, but after our bug guy started coming, we never saw them. Let me know if you need his name/number.