As always, we stayed at my Dad and Step-Mom's house. Their house is so nice. Katy and I slept in the extra bedroom. She is such a bed hog. I love that we always have breakfast together and chat for awhile, it's a nice way to start the day. Katy wasn't too sure about these two new people who obviously loved her and wanted to shower her with attention. She became quite clingy this weekend. Saturday night, my grandpa and his friend Vickie came out for steak dinner. My step-mom, Jo, makes the best steak in the world! She uses a special marinade that is to die for! It was nice to see my Grandpa again. Katy started to warm up to everyone eventually. Jo got to be the first since she gave Katy a bath that morning. Katy loves the tub!


Sunday morning we all got around and went to church with my sister. Her daughter Cassie graduated from 8th grade and their chuch held a special ceremony for all the graduates. It was very nice. Katy wasn't too cooperative during church so we spent the last little bit walking around outside in the grass. I especially loved this because it reminded me of a few things. The grass was SOFT. There were dandelions. The kind you make a wish and blow all the little thingys off of. Katelyn tripped and fell right into one and came up with little thingys stuck to her face. While walking around I also noticed all the clovers. We used to sit for hours looking for 4 leaf clovers! Memories. After church, we went to eat lunch at a favorite pizza spot. They have a BLT pizza with a twist. They put MAYO on it. It is devine! I ate waaaaayyyy too much. We went to my Grandma's for cake and then Dad and Jo went home and I stayed with my Gramma B for the day.
My Run
Monday, we slept in, had breakfast and then I decided to go for a run. I thought it would be beautiful, green everywhere, country side, you know. I started running and got not very far when I couldn't even breath. What the heck?? I guess since it had rained that night the humidity made it hard to breath. I decided to just take a nice brisk walk. Went 5 miles. It was quite enjoyable until.....the gnats. They just swarmed me, not kidding. I thought I might cry. I guess they are having a really bad season of gnats. It was miserable. It sure enticed me to run though! I thought I might be able to outrun them...HAHAHAHA!
Anyway, when I got back, Jo had given Katy another bath so I jumped through the shower then started the packing. Before heading to the airport, we stopped to visit my Aunt Kathy. Had lunch at a really nice Mexican place and went to the airport. My parents are the greatest. They stayed up late, woke up early, toted me around, took me to my favorite restaurants and spoiled my baby (and me!). I sure wish we didn't live so far. Thanks Dad and Jo...Love you!!
Katy and I on my Dad's back porch. Their yard is so beautiful!
Grandpa and Katy playing legos.
Grandma bought her a little bear and cute!
Saying goodbye at the airport. :(
Ok give it up. I want the marinade recipe.
Glad to have you back! Sounds like you had just enough time to get some relaxation in and miss your kids enough to come home!
I already miss you!! Dad and Jo made it out for Cassie's promotion ceremony. It was short and sweet and if I can ever get my computer to stop being a pain, I will get pics posted, PROMISE!
I'm glad you had a good time while you were here. Katy was wonderful the whole time I saw her. I loved chasing her at the airport. Would've liked a hug before you left but it was easy to see you were on a mission. LOL
I can't believe how green everything is!
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